Halo of Blood | Teen Ink

Halo of Blood

January 15, 2012
By VicMorrow1 SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
VicMorrow1 SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Do or do not.. there is no try

Master Yoda, Star Wars


Saunders paused, feeling his heart kick sickeningly against his lungs. He gazed into her face, hardly daring to believe the truth. “Then you’ve got to help me escape. Now. Before time runs out.”

The girl shook her head, fingers twitching nervously. “You are too weak. You cannot walk yet. You have no chance, sergeant.”

He stared at her desperately. “Don’t you want to help me?” he asked softly. “Don’t you want to repent what you have done?”

Sergeant Saunders didn't plan on getting wounded during his top-secret secret mission, but now he's a prisoner in a farmhouse with a strange girl looking after him. Or does she only want to hand him over to the Germans for money? Saunders knows only one thing; he must survive at all costs the terrible fate that awaits him or be mercilessly crushed under the heedless ravages of war.

Anna M.

Halo of Blood

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