Demonic Tales From Under ground | Teen Ink

Demonic Tales From Under ground

January 9, 2014
By StitchKitty, Warrenton, Virginia
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StitchKitty, Warrenton, Virginia
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Author's note: I always loved mythology, which was a prime inspiration for this. Demons have always interested me, just for the pure amount of different stories and legends about them. This is actually based on a comic I'm currently in the process of creating, but it'll be a while before I release it.

The author's comments:
Cue opening theme song. :D

It happened so fast.

I pulled the trigger and blam! I crumpled to the ground, blood coming from my mouth. The world fizzed as I watched everything slow down and fade away. Including my thoughts.

Hell, here I come.

My name’s Xaki. I’m a person who did a stupid thing and is now paying the price for it. Word of warning: when you make a pact with a succubus saying that you’ll go to hell in return for getting demonic powers, you’re screwed. I can’t really explain anything else, because if I did, then we would be here a looooong time.

When I died, everything was just black. I felt as if I was half asleep, searching around in the dark for a light switch or something. I knew I was somewhere; I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Wakey, wakey.”

My eyes snapped open. A figure was above me, putting my glasses on me. I began to recognize this person. Long violet hair. Red eyes. Small fangs, horns, wings, and a spaded tail.

“You!”I shouted, jumping out of bed.

The girl cocked her head and grinned at me.

“You’re still as well built as always,” she said, licking her lips.

I stood there confused, and realized to my dismay I was completely undressed. I grabbed the blanket off the small cot I had been resting on and pulled it over my lap.

“Where the hell am I?!” I shouted at the girl, who frowned.

“My name is Lucy, thank you very much,” she said.

I rolled my eyes in frustration.

“Okay, Lucy, can you tell me what’s going on?!”

Lucy sat down in a small chair in front of the cot and crossed both her arms and legs.

“You don’t remember me?” she asked.

I shook my head. Lucy sighed.

“Fine, we’ll get to that later. But I do have a point to get to.”

The female demon’s tail curled around the leg of the chair.

“You’ve been recruited for the demon army. Training starts tomorrow.”


Lucy stood up and fiddled around the closet in the corner.

“Yes. They’re sorta like the human army. And you’ve proven you’re worthy for it.”


“I can’t tell you. It’s classified information.”

She pulled out a change of clothes and tossed them toward me.

“Sorry about you’re current attire. You’re not allowed to bring any human clothing with you here. That’s why I had to get you new glasses.”

I sat the clothes on my lap as Lucy reached into her pocket and pulled something.

“But I did manage to smuggle this.”

She held a white and dark red striped scarf. My scarf!

“I figured you wanted this, it sorta gives off that important aura stuff.”

I held the scarf to me cheek, it’s warm fabric bringing me comfort in this strange place.

“Thank…you…”I managed to say.

Lucy nodded and turned around, sitting cross legged on the ground.

“Get changed. I promise I won’t look.”

I cautiously put my clothes back on, feeling much more warm and cozy. I push my glasses back, still admiring how clear they made everything. I wrapped my scarf around my neck, feeling complete.

“You can look.”

Lucy stood up and looked at me.

“Well aren’t you a cutie,” she grinned, making me blush.

This was going to be a weird new life…


“And once again, Lucy is busy screwing with people’s lives,” Shinobuu mumbled, cleaning one of his many daggers with his sleeve.

“The damn succubus can’t even do her job correctly. Why can’t Lucy just finish guiding the souls to their final resting place and stop bringing all the men she likes to be in the army? We can’t train this many demons.”

I nodded, my furry brown ears twitching.

“If she keeps this up, there will be severe consequences.” I growled and faced the genderless demon.

“I want you to keep an eye on Lucy. After, you’re a succorbenoth, one of the demons who collect souls. You should be well acquainted.”

“Let’s not forget that I’m higher ranking than that excuse for a soul collector,”Shinobuu smirked, his eyes shimmering with devilishness.

I sat down, sighing

“Right, if a high ranking demon is following her around, then that will raise suspicion. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.”

Shinobuu and sat there quietly, staring at the ceiling. I tapped my foot.

“Ya know…” Shinobuu said, looking at me, “We could ask the colonel. I mean, aren’t you two siblings, Kitsu-chan?”

I stood up.

“I shall consult Colonel Mammon right away. Shinobuu, keep an eye on the new recruits. I shall see that we have this issue dealt with before dawn.”

Shinobuu laid back and stretched.

“Suit yourself…”

I walked through the dark caverns that made up the main base for military use. If anyone knew what to do, it would Mammon, my brother.

I knocked on the stone door to his office. The door glowed a dark blue and rumbled.

“STATE YOUR NAME,” it boomed.

Blowing a piece of hair outta my face, I put my hand my hip.

“Lieutenant Kitsumi Kadoya,” I said firmly.

The door opened, allowing me inside.

I walked toward the large chair in the room and stood behind it.

“Colonel, I need to ask something…” I began, clearing my throat.

The Colonel did not face me.

“It’s about Lucy.”

“Lucy again, Kitsumi?” Mammon asked, still not facing me

I sighed.

“Well, this time she’s brought another damned soul to fight and-”

“Kitsumi,”the Colonel said, “we have said that getting new recruits is good for us.”

“I know, but that’s not the point. The point is Lucy is bringing useless trash to pass off as fight material, but in reality, it’s just men she wants to do!”

The room was quiet. It had been a while since Mammon and I had talked like this.

“Do you have the life story?”

I nodded and walked to the file cabinet. Thumbing through, I found the file containing the information on the newest soul.

“Xaki. No last name included. Date of birth: April 12th. Age: 18. Hair: black. Eyes: red. Other traits: bad eyesight, skilled marksman. Contractor: Lucy Van Satani. Death cause: suicide.”

“Ah, so we’ve got a hitman. Lucy is actually on to something this time. Maybe we could work with this.” The Colonel chuckled.

“Well, Kitsumi, I can’t say for sure that he doesn’t belong here, but I will say that we have him try his part in the army.”

I crossed my arms.

“And if he isn’t worthy?”

Mammon was silent. He then spoke quietly.

“If he isn’t worthy, then you may do as you please with him and Lucy.”

I nodded.

“Understood, brother…”

The author's comments:
Proper Introduction of our antagonist.


I sat down on the ground, biting into the small sandwich I was given for lunch. It was oddly quiet for a place where flesh eating monsters dwelled. I pushed this thought away and tried to enjoy my food.(Despite how bland it tasted) What was I gonna do with my life…

“Eeeeeeee….” Something hissed, making me drop my sandwich.

I turned around and became face to face with a hideous creature. It was a strange monster, with a boney body, yet it had a fat stomach. Its face was like a skeleton’s, and it was covered in wilting grey skin. The most striking things were its holess eyes, long arms, and dangling legs.

It opened its mouth and screeched. I knew right then I needed to get out of there, so I hightailed it and ran like hell. The creature was incredibly fast, so I knew this wasn’t gonna be a walk in the park. I managed to jump over a crevice, hoping the monster with be stuck. I certainly wasn’t going to wait for it, so I kept running.

“S***! What was that?” I said to myself. As soon as I finished that sentence, my feet gracefully slid from under me and I landed face first on the rocky ground. Sweet.

I staggered to get up, my nose bleeding and my arms sore from impact. I looked up to see if the was anything else after me, but instead I just said nothing.

A girl about a year or two older than me was standing in front. She had spearmint green hair, fair skin, and red eyes. She also had a pair of light brown fox ears on her head and a bushy tail. In each of her hands was a thin fencing like sword with a pentagram engraved on the handle.

“Who…” I didn’t get a chance to finish as sword pointed her swords at me. I swallowed and closed my eyes, ready for impact.

Drip. Drip.

My eye slowly opened to see what damage had been done. The fox girl was still above me, small splatters of blood on her face. Her right sword had been stabbed into something, but I didn’t feel any pain. Blood dripped onto my face, causing me to finally look up.

The monster who had been chasing me stood there, wheezing, the girl’s sword straight through its head. It howled in pain as she stared it down. I moved slowly to the side to see what would happen next.

The creature gave her a terrified look, as if to ask for mercy. The girl simply ignored this and twisted her sword around inside its skull.

All I could do was watch as she brutally twisted the sword around and around, the demon screeching in pain. When it finally went limp and collapsed into a pool of blood, she drew her sword from its head.

“Get off your ass and do something next time!” the girl shouted.

“That thing wouldn’t have hesitated to kill you! Use common sense, rookie!” She stormed off.

I stared blankly as she left. What was her problem?

The author's comments:
This chapter was actually just some Xaki fanservice I did for my own amusement.

Hot water rained down on my face as I rubbed my eyes. Damn eyesight. I can’t even shower without my glasses. I tried not to think about retrieving them, because one thing was on my mind; what the hell did I get myself into? I’m going to be in an army? I mean, I know I’m skilled with fire arms, but I don’t have any experience outside that. Hell, I haven’t lost my virginity yet. Wait, I died a virgin? Wow, my life sucked.

Sighing, I remembered that girl. How cold she was and how she didn’t hesitate to mutilate the creature’s brains. Ew, that’s more gross than I thought.

I put my hands against the wall and leaned forward, the water running through my black hair. Who was she? How long had she been here? Maybe Lucy had some answers, I doubt it though.

No longer able to take the fact that I was pretty much blind, I turned off the water and dried myself off.

This was a surprisingly nice facility despite it being in Hell. It was like a real military academy, except with demons. To be honest, this place actually seemed more forgiving.

I wrapped my towel around my waist and opened the stall door to find my glasses. As soon as I felt the steamy glass of them touch my hand, snatched them up and rubbed them off.

I sighed with relief as the world came back to me.

“Well, I guess I’m too late.”

I whipped around to see Lucy grinning at me.

“What are you doing here?!” I yelled.

“This locker room is for males only!”

Lucy crossed her arms and pouted.

“Aw, rats. I was really hoping I could shower with you,” she huffed.

“No way in Hell! Out!” I shouted.

Lucy rolled her eyes and reached into her pocket.

“I guess you don’t want this then.” She held out a letter with a wax seal.

“It’s from the instructor.”

I pulled the letter away from her.

“And where did you get this?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“You room,” Lucy giggled.

“So what? Now you’re stealing from me?”

“Xa-kun, don’t be silly -”


Lucy laughed.

“It’s a nickname I can up with for you. Do you like?"

“No. I don’t”

I tore open the letter and skimmed through it.

You are to meet at the main hall for training tomorrow morning. If you are late or skip training, you are to be punished immediately.

Lieutenant Kitsumi Kadoya

“Eesh, talk about brutal,” I grumbled, crumpling the letter up and tossing it in the wastebin.

Lucy tapped her pointer fingers together, grinning at me. I scowled.

“I’m not you’re personal stripper show. Now leave.”

The succubus turned around and walked off, her high heeled boots clicking on the tiles. I watched her blow me a kiss and wave her fingers as she left through the door. My cheeks turned scarlet in embarrassment.

“Awww, you’re blushing,” Lucy taunted.


“No need to get mad, Xa-kun. Bye bye!”

As soon as Lucy was completely out of sight, I quickly got dressed and left. This Kitsumi who had written the letter didn’t seem to be one to screw around. I thought I might as well try to stay out of trouble. You’re to be punished immediately. Well, THAT wasn’t the least bit threatening.(Sarcasm) I pushed my glasses back, praying if I was punished the they’d at least let me keep my glasses. I pretty much blind without them anyways.

I followed the directions on the pamphlet to what I guessed was supposed to be my room, but it turns out it was the same place I woke when I came here. Talk about quality service.

I layed down on the cot and stared at the ceiling. It was quiet, but in a dark and eerie way. I kicked my leg straight up, desperate for amusement. This wasn’t really doing anything useful. I wondered who this Lieutenant Kitsumi was. Most likely some hardass demon who too much time on his hands. I turned around and lay face first on my pillow, wondering what was to come tomorrow.


“Cera-chan, why did Xa-kun get mad at me?” I mumbled, holding my little demon friend close. Cerabera purred and nuzzled his cheek into mine.

“I hope he knows I was just teasing him. I don’t think making him mad is gonna do me any good. And soon as Kitsumi gets her hands on him, he’ll be worked to a pulp.”

I hated that fox, always acting like the queen and ignoring me. I hope she knew that Xa-kun was MY cotractee, not hers.

“Xaki’s got a lot ahead of him…”


I marched down through the gates, waking up the trainees for their morning routine. I remembered where the freshman sleep, and luckily, we had just one.

I kicked the door open, waking the trainee up.

“Get moving kid! Time’s a wasting!”

The newbie was a young man of about 18, with shaggy black hair and the standard red demon eyes. He had red horns sprouting from his head and goat like ears in place of human ones. His was completely covered up who a long sleeved shirt, pants, knee high boots, gloves, and red and white striped scarf.

The kid stumbled for his angular glasses, almost falling face first trying to retrieve them. He must have been one of those near blind people.

“Sorry, I didn’t know we started this early,” he mumbled.

I stared at his demon, trying to remember where I’d seen him before.

“You’re that kid who almost got his ass handed to him by a Teivel!” I said, it flooding back to me.

He blushed, looking at the floor.

“I remember you, too.”

I grabbed him by the scarf and pulled him with me.

“Let’s get moving. I’m gonna be really pissed if you make me late.”

The author's comments:
Hooray for army stuff!

As the fox girl dragged me by my scarf, I had a feeling this wasn’t gonna be a good first day. Already someone was pulling me around like a dog and my head was sore from hitting it on the wall while trying to find my glasses.

The girl shoved me in line with a bunch of other demons, all of which looked just tired as me. Fox girl stood in front of us her arms crossed.

“Welcome, trainees. I am Lieutenant Kitsumi Kadoya.”

Wait, foxy girl was the one who sent me the letter? Why am I surprised she’s a high ranking demon?

“Pay attention! I’m not tolerating any of your idiocy. Now…”

Kitsumi drew her swords.

“What happens when a damned human soul is taken to hell?”

A birdlike demon raised a feathered hand.

“It’s body is left behind?”

Kitsumi nodded.

“After the soul has been collected, the scout who contacted the person must either eat or feed the body to one of the gate keepers. Demons relay on taking damned souls to their final place, and a human body is a special treat for them. Now, tell me what happens when the body is not taken care of?”

Everyone was quiet.

The fox woman sighed and rubbed her forehead.

“The reason we dispose of the body is that once soulless, it becomes a shell, a shell that deprives on living food. We destroy these before they have a chance to reawaken as the undead creatures we know as “Teivels”, the embodiment of the word filth.”

Teivel? Is that what attacked me?

“Unfortunately in the recent times, we demons have become careless, and therefore, the Teivel population is increasing. Remember, these beings only have one priority; kill.”

Kitsumi walked toward me, her red eyes glowing.

“And now I am to give an example of what’s to be done,” she said, pulling something out of her pockets.

She thrust two pistols at me.

“I have heard you’re quite good with these.”

I nodded and ran my fingers over the cool metal.

“Good, now…”

Kitsumi quickly sent up fist into my face, almost knocking the wind out of me. I coughed and clutched my weapons.

“Ha, just as I though! A demon warrior must always be on guard! And simple punch should have been no problem,” the fox hissed, pointing her swords at me.

Her green hair fluttered behind her as jumped into the air and came flying down, ready to stab. I managed to move just into time before she could impale me in the head. I pointed my right pistol at her and pulled the trigger, but Kitsumi clearly dodged the bullet with no effort.

“I honestly don’t see you doing me anything useful aside from just entertaining me with your sad attempts for attack, but I might as well show you how it’s done.”

The fox took off in whirlwind of slicing blows, destroying multiple stalagmites.

“If you can destroy a simple stalagmite, then you’re set for a good amount of beginner’s training. For now,” Kitsumi sent me a burning stare, “we’ll have a little fun.”




I bit into the steamy hot bun and sighed.

“Mmm, so yummy. I wish Xa-kun would be here to eat these with me.”

Cerabera nodded and purred, nibbling on one of the freshly made pork filled bundles of joy.

“I wonder how training’s going for him anyway. Maybe I should visit Xa-kun sometime. I bet he’d be happy to see me.”

I gobbled down another pork bun and sighed.

“Even if he’s getting his ass handed to him by Kitsumi-chan, at least he’ll come home to a yummy desert.”

Giggling, I licked a speck of frosting off my finger and admired the small cake I had cooked. My mouth watered.

“On second thought, I’ll just eat the cake

The author's comments:
Xaki had a sister? How did Lucy know?


“As I was saying Colonel, these recruits are a complete waste of my time!” I shouted, stamping my heeled combat boot on the ground. Colonel Mammon still didn’t face me.

“And the one with the scarf, the one YOU said would be helpful, is a complete SHAX!”

“Kitsumi, we don’t you use that kind of language when in presence of a superior,” Mammon muttered.

“And as high ranking demon, you should know that.”

I clutched my sword in anger.

“What do you want me to do then?”

“I said you could do as you please if he failed, but I think right now you’re not giving him enough of a chance. If we’re discussing a new trainee then you must actually have to train him. You are not supposed to throw them away. I suggest you get to know if a little better. If he does not improve, then I’ll let you punish him as you want.”

“And Lucy?”I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“We’ll deal with her once the times come…”

I slammed the door shut.

“Dammit, Mammon! Dammit!”

I stabbed my sword into a thin rock wall.

“Ya know bitching and throwing temper tantrums won’t get you anywhere.”

I gritted my sharp canines.

“Well, glad to see you came back Shinobuu. Any new reports?” I growled.

The green haired demon shook his head.

“Nope, just came to see how training scarf boy went.”

“How do you know about number 23?!”

Shinobuu snickered.

“Really, you’re going to refer to him by number? So you are a hardass. No wonder Lord Be”

I clamped my hand over the succorbenoth’s mouth.

“What are you thinking? It’s a law to never refer to “him” unless he gives out orders! And you know what happens to demons that break the laws! If we even mention him in casual conversation we-”

Shinobuu pried my hand off.

“Look, sweetie, I know the laws, but I think I have a right to talk about my Lord Beelzebub.”

My eyes widened. The succorbenoth smirked.

“Oops, did I say that?” he scoffed, turning around and walking off.

“Lighten up. You may be a higher ranked demon than me, but you’re honestly a sad excuse for one. Have fun with your little flying monkeys.

I fumed in anger as I chucked my left sword at Shinobuu. He simply dodged it and sent a rain of throwing knives at me, making a perfect outline of me on the back wall.

“You bastard,” I hissed.

Shinobuu grinned.

“Why thank you, Kitsumi-san.”



I punched the wall of room so hard my fist bled.

“Why so mad Xa-kun?” Lucy asked, perched on my bed and nibbling a slice of cake.

“Why didn’t you tell me I was going to be dealing with such a hardass like Kitsumi?!” I shouted at the succubus, who swallowed another forkful.

“Kitsumi-chan?”she said, tapping her chin.

“You know, fox lady.”

Lucy forked another piece and thought for a moment.

“Oh right. Yeah, I was going to tell you, but when I got the letter I figured…”

I rubbed my forehead and sighed.

“It was a letter about where training was held, not about who she was. I wouldn’t have known either way she was the one who slaughtered that Teivel.”

“Teivel?”Lucy asked curiously.

“Those scary zombie things? What, did one attack you and Kitsu-chan had to save your ass or something?”

My face turned pale.

“Oh my god! You actually were almost killed by a Teivel?!” Lucy cried, cupping her hands over her mouth and giggling.

“That’s insane! I’d expect with your skills you might have killed it with ease, but you’re telling me that a one Teivel took you down? Kyahahaha!”

“Stop laughing at me! You know I have no idea what I’m doing!”

“Damn, you’re blushing again! Man, you get embarrassed so easily, gee hee hee!”

“Shut up, Lucy!”


The succubus managed to sit up, wiping tears of laughter off her face. I crossed my arms and scowled.

“Are you done?”

Lucy nodded, grinning.

“I’m sure. So, what was it like, watching her murder that Teivel?”

I sat down on the floor, leaning against the bed.

“Awful. She stabbed the bastard through the head and just starting twisting her sword around. It was screaming in pain and-”

“WOW! That’s so cool! I wish I was there! I’d kill to see it screaming and flipping out!”

I snapped.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! You act like it’s a comedy play! Don’t you realize just have terrible it is to watching something die like that?!”

Lucy cocked her head.

“I thought you use to kill people all the time,” she said.

“That was different! Bullets kill instantly! Stabbing and mutilating something is just sadistic!”

“What about that girl? The one with the braids?”

I was silent. She couldn’t possibly mean…

“What was her name, again? Ren? No I think it was…”

I stood up and started walking towards the door.

“Xa-kun?”Lucy said quietly.

“Just don’t talk to me for a little bit, okay?”I mumbled.

“Why? Where’re you going?”

“Out for a while. That’s all.”

The author's comments:
We now get to learn about Xaki's past and his relationship with his sister.


I sat on a high ledge, gazing off at the rest of Hell itself. Gloomy caves and lava weren’t the best option for calming down.

I curled my legs to myself and wrapped my arms around them, slowly rocking back and forth. I hadn’t felt this depressed in a long time.

“Hi,” a voice said.

I looked up to see Lucy in front of me, floating with her tiny wings.

“Oh, it’s you,” I muttered.

Lucy pouted.

“Why did run off like that, Xa-kun? You left me all alone!”

“How…how did you know about her?”

The demon girl raised an eyebrow and tapped her chin.

“You mean the one with the red hair? Oh I saw her a long time ago, when I was watching you.”

Hold on a minute, Lucy had been watching me and her? Since when? Then again, she did look familiar…

“Who was that girl anyways?” the succubus mumbled, still floating in a relaxed position.

“You really wanna know?”

Lucy nodded. I sighed.

“That girl was younger sister, Suiren. She and I were all we had for a long, long time. I then began to work for a slave master. He admired my interest in weaponry, but sadly Suiren was made a servant. Then we met her….”

“Whatta ya think happened to her?” Suiren asked, lightly pulling on a red braid.

“I dunno,” I muttered, “probably depressed about something.”

Suiren put her hands on her hips.

“Well, we’ll see about that.” My sister marched over towards the girl.

I snagged my sister’s shoulder.

“And what do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m going to check on her?”


“Uggg! You always have to snoop into everything! I just wanna help her!”



I put my hands up in surrender.

“Okay, okay, go talk to her, but I’m staying here.

Suiren walked up to the woman.

“Hi,” she said softly.

The girl looked up. She was different from most people I’d seen. She had long black hair with streaks and slashes of bright yellow, with a chunk of bangs that hung over her left eye. Her visible eye was navy blue, and one of her ears had a single gold piercing. She was dressed in rags like most slaves, and she had noticeable bruises and scratches all over her.

“Oh, hey,” she muttered, looking up slightly.

Suiren sat down her knees, her motherly instinct kicking in.

“Are you okay? Do you have name?” she asked, stroking the girl’s long hair.

“Thrin…” she said quietly, still barely looking up.

My sister smiled, green eyes shimmering.

“Is it okay if I ask why you’re upset?” Suiren pushed one of her red braids out of her face.

Thrin sighed, looking at the ground her. Her eyes bubbled with tears.

“Thrin, are you alright?”

Thrin burst into tears, startling Suiren.

“M-my fr-friend was k-killed yesterday, all because th-the master doesn’t want me to have anyone b-but h-him! He’s always touching m-me in that disgusting way, and I hate him!”

My sister pulled Thrin close, stroking her hair once more.

“Shhh, its okay, calm down. You’re not alone anymore.”

Suiren smiled calmly.

“I’ll be your friend.”

Thrin sniffled.

“Thank you…”

“My Lord, you can’t be serious!” I shouted.

That master smirked.

“Thrin is my toy, and I don’t need her interacting with anyone else. She is my personal servant and that’s why I need you...”

The master paused.

“…to kill your sister.”

I clutched my pistol close to my chest.

“You’re saying because she wanted to help you want her to die?! What kind of a place are you running?!”

“I run a tight shift. What I say goes, Xaki. You aren’t to question me or my actions. Your only purpose to serve me so shut your trap and do as you’re told.”

I put my foot down.

“NO,” I said flatly.

The master chuckled.

“You know, Xaki, I admire you nerve to state what you feel, but since you’re being awfully stubborn, I’ll make proposal; either you give your sister a quick, nearly painless death, or…”

The master grinned.

“.. I’ll just kill her slowly and painfully, and I’ll make you watch.”

I stood there, shocked, but then swallowed.

“As you wish, my Lord. I will do it myself.”

“Big brother, what are you doing?!” Suiren cried, stepping back.

I stared at her, the terror burning in her eyes.

“Good bye,” I said calmly.

And then I pulled the trigger.

Lucy stared at me, fiddling with her fingers.

“I see,” she said.

“You loved your sister, and if you hadn’t done that, she would have suffered more than you could bear.”

“Yeah,” I mumbled, chucking a stone off the ledge.

Lucy floated next to me, sitting beside me.

“I think you did the better thing of the two. I bet if you could see her again, she’d forgive you.”

I smiled lightly.

“Maybe, I doubt though. She’d be pissed at me.”

Lucy giggled.

“There’s the smile I wanted to see. Now let’s go get something to eat. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You’re a lot like her, you know? Kind of an airhead, optimistic. Suiren would be happy to meet you.”

The succubus grinned.


The author's comments:
Lucy finally gets to shine! :3


“Okay, Cera-chan, lunch is done,” I cheerfully said, sliding a plate with various foods; rice, herring rolls, and vegetables.

Cerabera purred and dug into his lunch, gobbling everything down. I giggled, patting his soft ears.

“Good boy, good boy,” I laughed, cuddling my precious pet.


I turned around.

“Oh, hello, Shino-chan.”

The green haired succorbenoth stood there, arms crossed.

“Spending time with your pet again?” he smirked.

I smiled.

“Yup! I’m gonna teach Cera-chan how to fight Teivels once he’s big enough.”

Shinobuu kicked a small stone out of the way.

“So, are you and Kitsumi getting along?”

I grimaced at the kitsune’s name.

“Would it kill her to stop being so all mighty? She’s always ordering everyone around, and it’s seriously getting annoying.”

Shinobuu’s face lit up.

“Perfect!” he said, clapping his hands together, “because I need a favor.”

He got onto his knees and grinned.

“Can you challenge her tomorrow?”

I raised an eye brow.


“Ya know, just rough er’ up a bit, show her whose boss. I think she hasn’t been challenged by underdog in a loooooooong time.”

I tapped my chin.

“Hmm, well, I dunno. As much as Kitsumi-chan annoys me, I think beating her up isn’t a good idea…”

“That’s the best part,” Shinobuu grinned, “If you challenge her, it won’t just be a fight in a locker room. Challenging the Lieutenant would mean a fight in the coliseum!”

I ran my fingers through my hair.


“Please! Do it for me, please!” the succorbenoth begged, holding my hands.

Did I really want to fight Kitsumi? She does deserve it…”

I smirked.

“Okay, but don’t ask me again.”

“Thanks, that’s all I needed.”

Shinobuu waved good bye and pranced off.

I sighed.

“Hold on to your hat, Kitsumi-chan…”

“YOU WHAT?!” Xaki shouted.

“Relax, Xa-kun,” I said, biting into a mini Éclair.

“No, I’m NOT relaxing. What the hell are you thinking?!”

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“It’s not like Kitsumi’s pure innocent or anything. She deserves a roughhousing, that’s all.”

Xaki wacked his forehead and exhaled.

“Fine, but if you get your ass handed to you, then don’t come cryin’ to me.”


“Now, as I was saying, in order to kill a Teivel, you must find its weak spot, which most often is the skull,” I lectured, holding one of swords and feeling its cool metal.

“When fighting, you are to always go for the skull first, of course while avoiding its -”

“Hi Kitsumi-chan.”

I whipped around, my green hair twirling with me.

“Oh, if it isn’t you, Lucy Van Satani,” I growled.

The succubus smiled, her gold eyes glimmering with mischievousness.

“I told you, just call me Lucy,” she smirked.

“What part of don’t interrupt training don’t you understand?” I raised an eyebrow and glared.

Lucy twirled a lock of violet hair still smirking.

“Oh I knew good and well what you were doing, and that’s why I decided to come here right now.”

She grinned and pointed a finger at me.

“Kitsumi-chan, I challenge you to a duel!”

I stared at her in shock, confused at what just happened. Then I finally smiled and chuckled.

“Honestly, you can’t possibly be serious,” I scoffed.

“You really believe I’ll end up fighting you and you’ll actually be victorious. I don’t think so, Lucy. I have much better things to do then crush you to a pulp all so you can make a point.”

Lucy’s fingers extended, forming sharp claws. She quickly ran at me, slashing. A single drop of blood dripped down my check.

“Come at me, fox b****,” she hissed, licking blood off her claws.

My face burned. I clenched my fist over my sword handle, squeezing it till it felt like it would pop.

“Well, seeing how this is an offence to a superior that is punishable by force, I-”

“Cut the official bullcrap, I’m not really in a mood to get lectured!” Lucy snarled.

“I’m about done with you acting like a complete skank to me. If I knew you were just gonna sit there and act all snooty, then I’d probably die for watching you spew bullshit for 40 hours.”

My entire head felt like it would burst. I took a deep breath.

“If you want to be slaughtered to bits, then your wish is my command.”

The author's comments:
Dat tital


“Dammit Lucy, you’re making a mistake.”

I gritted my teeth as the succubus pulled me toward the arena.

“I know I’m doing,” Lucy said, obviously over confident about the fight.

“I say somebody teaches foxy b**** about dueling, right here, right now.”

I rolled my eyes and bit into my apple(which I was eating until you-know-who dragged me with her).

“Kitsumi’s gonna be so pissed,” I mumbled, “and what gave you the idea in the first place?”

“I did.”

I looked by to see a person propped up against one of the rocky walls.

I couldn’t really tell what gender it was. It could have been either one, with shoulder length spikey green hair with a horn textured hair pin, and pale skin. “He”(Let’s just call him that for now) had purple eyes with the standard slit demon pupils, and a small triangular indigo mark on his left cheek. He wore a knee length tannish yellow dress, with long sleeves that covered his hand, and blue boots. In addition, the sleeves were “unattached” and tied off with a red armband on top.

“Hi Shinobuu-san!” Lucy called.

The demon smirked.

“I see someone’s off to fight Kitsu-chan,” he cheered.

“Yup! We’re gonna beat reeeeeeal good!” Lucy beamed.

I glared at Shinobuu.

“I see you’re the one who convinced Lucy to go after her.”

He nodded.

“She deserves it any way. It’s not like Kitsumi’s ever done anything good for us anyway. It’ll be a real treat, ya know?”

I stared at him even more.

“Fine, whatever. Let’s just go.”

I pulled Lucy away from the green haired demon.

“Hey, wait for me!” he called behind, racing after us.

“Lucy, you seriously let him convince you to do this?” I hissed as Lucy gave me an serious look.

“He’s my successor," she said flatly.

The arena was packed when we made it. Demons of all shapes and sizes had pooled into every nook and cranny just to see a foxy swordswoman and a demon of seduction square off.

I sat close to front, with Shinobuu next me. I had to see what was going on, and if Lucy was gonna make it out alright.

The green haired fox stepped into the arena, everyone cheering and hooting for her. Kitsumi kept her eyes forward, her swords point to the ground as she walked confidently.

Lucy walked in, a hand on her perfectly shaped hip, grinning. Instead of Kitsumi’s confident attitude, she clearly wanted to adore her fans before the duel. She blew kisses and waved to the crowd, who went absolutely nuts. She winked at a large troll like demon, who swooned in sweet, sugary love. I wacked my forehead with my palm and groaned.

The two females finally reached the middle, just a mere few feet away from each other. Kitsumi cleared her throat.

“Today, our referee could not make it. Even so, we have called in the understudy, so our duel is not to be postponed,” she said firmly.

An adult demon with a scorpion tail and curly horns nodded.

“For those of you who don’t know, my name is Sergeant Astar Daemon. Colonel Mammon could not make it today, but he wishes both you ladies good luck.”

He winked at Kitsumi, who shot him a death stare.

Astar turned to the crowd and continued speaking.

“The rules are simple; the duel ends when one either surrenders, faints, or dies. Any further questions are not taken. You two may begin when the horn blasts.”

Kitsumi pointed her swords at Lucy, who grew her long claws. The two demonesses just stood there, glaring fiercely at one another.

The horn blew.

Kitsumi went straight at Lucy, ready to slice her into bits. Lucy quickly jumped over her, slashing Kitsumi’s arm in the process. Kitsumi eyed the claw marks, eyes burning with pure vengefulness. Lucy came back to her, claws ready leave another mark on the fox’s face.

The red eyed girl clearly knew what she was doing, as she kicked the succubus’s legs, making her fall to the ground. As the fencing sword nearly pierced her skull, Lucy grabbed a hold of it and tossed it out of arena.

“Let’s how you do with one toy,” she grinned, grabbing Kitsumi’s leg with her spaded tail, tossing her across the ground.

“Damn, Lucy’s pretty strong for a lower class demon,” I said, surprised the somewhat innocent succubus could be such a skilled fighter. Why didn’t she ever get recruited into the army?

“Show that b**** whose boss, sempai!” Shinobuu shouted, clearly against the superior.

Kitsumi sat up, coughing and fanning dust out of her eyes.

“As much as I’d like to congratulate for your skill, I’m afraid that this is far from over!”

She charged at Lucy, the sword barely missing a lock of her violet hair. Lucy jumped out of the way and preformed a round house kick, hitting Kitsumi’s head, causing her to fall face first.

The fox coughed up a few drops of blood as she struggled to get up.

“Well for someone who has a lot of ego, you really suck at trying to beat a lower class, or “scum” as you prefer,” Lucy scoffed, kneeling down to Kitsumi’s eye line. She spread her fingers, claws shinning.

“Piss off, foxy b****.”

Kitsumi violently grabbed the neck strap of Lucy’s halter top, and ruthlessly shoved her face first into the ground. She then yanked her up and punched her as hard as she could in the stomach. Lucy hacked, blood dripping out of her mouth.

“You should learn to keep your filthy mouth shut, you damn skank!” Kitsumi hissed, throw her back on the ground and standing back up.

“If you think I’m going to let you finish this so easily, you’re sadly mistaken!”

“Oh please, I don’t give s*** about you’re insults! All I want is for you to quit being a frickin’ asshole!” Lucy retorted, jumping to her feet. How much damage could she possibly take?

She rammed into Kitsumi, knocking her remaining sword out of her hand. She sat on top of her, claws to Kitsumi’s throat.

“We’re done, slut,” she said, not a single sense of mercy left.

She swiped. Kitsumi screamed in pain, hacking blood up. Lucy had slit her throat, not deeply, but just enough to leave her unconscious. Kitsumi fell face first, nearly dead. Lucy had won.

The author's comments:
Kitsumi and Astar are.... yeah....


I yawned and stared at the ceiling. It had been a long day. Lucy had beaten the lights out of Kitsumi, who was pretty much next to dead, and all I did was watch the fight unfold.

I stretched my arms out. I had been incredibly hot and sweaty for some reason, so I had stripped down to just my shirt and gray cargo pants. I wondered if Kitsumi had actually been okay, or if she had really croaked. I pushed the thought away and tried to relax.

Knock, knock.

“Come in,” I muttered.

The door slowly creaked open, and Lucy appeared. She was only wearing a long button down pajama shirt and a pair of black and lilac striped panties. Her violet hair was slightly frizzy, and she clutched Cera in her arms.

“Hi,” she said softly, placing the demon puppy on the ground gently.

“Oh, hey Lucy,” I said, looking to see the damage that had been down.

She had some gaze tapped to her cheek, and bandages wrapped around her wrist, shoulder, and upper thigh. Over all, she seemed to have taken little injuries,

Lucy slowly walked over and climbed on my bed, looking extremely tired.

“Is Kitsumi okay?” she asked quietly.

I nodded.

“I pretty sure she’s fine.”

“Oh,” Lucy muttered, fiddling with a lock of her hair.

“I thought I might have beaten her up a little too much.”

“Nah,” I said, brushing my messy black bangs out of my eyes.

“I think you did her good.”

Lucy nodded slowly, placing a hand on my chest.

“It’s been a long time since I fought like that. I guess I didn’t really remember how it felt to see someone I injured suffer like that. I know I always welcome killing things, but doing it myself, felt….wrong.”

Tears dripped down her face. She must’ve felt like trash after the way she acted, but I couldn’t blame her. If I had nearly killed somebody like that, I would be just as guilty.

“I’m sorry, Xa-kun… no, Xaki. I’m really sorry.”

Lucy slowly closed her eyes and fell against my torso, asleep.

I smiled, lightly pulling her close.

“You’re forgiven…”


I sat down in the steaming water, scrubbing the last of my wounds.

“I didn’t expect you to get beaten by her,” Astar said, facing forward like a sergeant should.

“Yes, I suppose Lucy is stronger than I believed so. I didn’t know she had that type of violence in her.”

I looked up at the stalagmites.

“But then again, that’s how she used to be.”

“Used to be?” Astar questioned,

I sighed.

“Lucy is a succubus, as you know, which is a demon of lust and seduction. In her former days, she was cruel and S&M crazed, just as any other succubus. This stuff was her life. However, for some reason, one day she came back from patrol, and she was completely different.”


I nodded.

“She wasn’t……herself. She wasn’t sadistic and lustful as her usual self. It’s as if something had swapped her personality for something less evil, I just can’t figure out why…”

Astar was silent.

I exhaled, pulling my green hair out of its high pony tail and letting soft locks fall onto my chest and back.

“Astar, what does it say in section 14, page 26 in the Sergeant Handbook?” I asked him.

“When present in front of any higher rank, you must never show any emotion,” he said firmly.

I smirked.

“Then why are you blushing?”

Astar’s cheeks were dusted with scarlet.

“I apologize mame’,” he began, “I suppose I just got a little giddy, with you bathing in my presence.”

I smirked more.

“Really? Well then, surely you must learn to control yourself. Shall we test?”

I stood up, still wearing only my fox pendant and bandages, dripping wet. Astar kept his eyes forward, still flushed with scarlet. I stepped out the bathing pool.

“I see this really chipping your self control,” I chuckled, walking around him.

And I was right. He clearly was in Hell having a naked woman eyeing him down. Surely enough he would crack.

I finally stopped in front of him, just looking into his gray eyes. He was sweating uncontrollably.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my ruby eyes filled with lust.

“I feel so sore,” I sighed, pressing my body against him, turning Astar’s face entirely red with pleasure. He slowly ran his hand down my bosom, feeling my warm, creamy skin.

“Make me feel better,” I said.

Astar looked into my eyes, and our lips embraced.

The author's comments:
Subplot for book 2 begins.

I tried to sleep that night, but with Lucy nearby, I was nervous about taking chances. She laying the floor, covered up with a sheet. I tossed and turned, thinking about, well nothing. I just continued looking at whatever sat in front me in a zombie like trance.

I sat up finally and checked my alarm clock. Only 1:24 A.M. Dammit.

I tossed the clock across the room, annoyed. Then I looked over and noticed Lucy.

She was curled up in a fetal position, shivering and sweating, and her face was pale and sickly. Something was wrong.

“Lucy?” I said, getting out of bed.

She continued to shiver. I ran my hand over her forehead. It was burning hot. She had to have a fever or something.

“Lucy!” I shook her until she opened her gold eyes and looked at me.

“Xa-kun…. I don’t feel good…”

“Open wide.”

Lucy opened her sharp canined mouth and allowed the thermometer to slide under her tongue.

Nurse Belia scribbled something down in note book and checked the temperature.

“Oh my,” she said, frowning.

Belia was surprisingly one of the most attractive demonesses I’d seen yet. She had short, wavy midnight blue hair and light, creamy skin. Her eyes were a shade of pale blue gray, shimmering like stars. She wore a simple dark honey colored dress and tall black boots, and she had white gloves. Her only demonic trait was her slit pupils and four silver horns on her head, almost forming a crown.

“What is it?” I ask cocking my head to see.

“Miss Lucy, it appears you Eblis fever,” Belia said, obviously ignoring my question. She stroked Lucy’s hair, smiling. Lucy, however, looked like a drunken Teivel, with bags under her eyes and her sickly skin.

“I’m happy to say that it’s cured easily if you take some of this medicine.” Belia held up a bottled filled with light yellow liquid, marked Eblis.

“It looks like piss,” Lucy managed to say, staring at the bottle in disgust. Belia frowned.

“No, it’s made with hot spring water, along with medicinal herbs and a bit of ginger, so it may be a little bitter, but if you take a spoonful every day, you’ll be nice and healthy in less than a few days.”

The demon woman walked up to me and hand me the bottle, along with a bag of herbs.

“If you want her nice and healthy again, she needs extra sleep. Just crush one of these roots and mix it with her food, and she’ll fall right asleep,” Belia whispered to me.

I raised an eyebrow.

“So you want me to sedate her?”

“No, silly. After you give her the medication, just give her the food and she’ll fall asleep for about 12 hours. When she wakes up just repeat the process again. It should be three days when she returns to her normal state. Any questions?”

I shook my head.

“No, Belia-san, not at all.”

Belia smiled.

“Okay, there’s a bedroom waiting for her in the sleeping quarters of the clinic. It’s the first room on the left.”

She bent down and pecked my cheek.

“I’m counting on you,” she laughed, and with that, she left.

I rubbed my cheek, my face most likely pink.

I managed to drag Lucy into her room, flopping her on the bed. I laid her head gently on the pillow and started to pull the sheets on her. I then noticed she was still wearing her sweaty pajama shirt and panties, so I reluctantly undressed her and tossed her dirty clothes elsewhere. I quickly pulled the sheets up to her neck, deciding to get her new clothes tomorrow.

“Night Lucy,” I muttered, leaning back in the chair across the room.

“……night……” I heard her whisper. I sighed and drifted off to sleep.

The author's comments:
Outrue villain is now introduced.


I yawned, my sharp canines showing. I rubbed my eyes and groaned. How along has it been?

I looked over to see Astar, grinning like a buffoon in his sleep. I rolled my eyes and pulled my robe over myself, tying the belt of it.

“Mammon’s gonna kill me if he finds out I was screwing the Sergeant instead of going on patrol last night,” I groaned, grabbing a half full bottle of whisky from the night before. I stared at the bottled for a while before I took a large swig of it.

“It’s not like he ever does anything, just sits there on his ass all day.”

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and took another swig. Alcohol was surprising more comforting than I thought.

I held my bronze fox pendent to myself, attempting to use telepathy with my brother.

‘Colonel Mammon,’ I thought, clearing my mind.

‘Ah, Kitsumi. I was just about to have you sent down here.’

I swallowed. Man, close call.

‘Why, brother?’

‘It’s Lord Beelzebub.’

I tossed my robe off and struggled to dress quickly.

‘WHAT?!’ I said, completely in shock.

‘It’s about your fight with Lucy. He wants to talk to you about it.’

That’s all I heard last before dashing out the door and leaving a note behind;

Dear Astar,

I’m sorry for leaving. Lord Beelzebub wishes to see me. I promise I’ll explain better once I get back.


I raced into the main part of the castle, shoving by and thinking.

Am I in trouble? I haven’t been called up by him since my promotion to Lieutenant. Could that be it? Wait, am I even wearing underwear? Better check……NO.

I ignored this and pushed open the doors to his chamber.

“You called, my Lord?” I asked.

Beelzebub, like my brother, never would show his face.(he was completely covered with armor head to toe, so it didn’t really make a difference.)

“Kitsumi, you’re here.”

I nodded.

“Yes, my Lord.”

The king of all demons stared at the window, I guess to admire his “kingdom”. I held a glass of wine in his hand.

“Please pour yourself a glass,” he said, gesturing to a bottle of the rich alcoholic drink.

I picked up a spare glass next to it, pouring red wine into it.

“A toast, here’s to my Hell,” the demon king said, holding his glass up. I did the same, and then took a sip.

“Anyway, about me being called down here?” I asked, curious to know the answer.

Beelzebub and slowly walked down the steps, his horned armor clanking.

“You recall a young demon by the name of Lucy?”

My blood automatically boiled.

“Yes, my Lord.”

My superior nodded.

“You fought her, and somehow, you managed to almost get killed. What do you have say for yourself?”

I swallowed my pride and spoke.

“I am sorry, my Lord.”

The demon king walked right up to me, towering at least a foot above me.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it, Kitsumi.”

A metal clawed hand grabbed me by my long hair, pulling me to his eye line.

“I’m incredibly disappointed in you. If you let someone as low as her nearly kill you, then you don’t really seem worthy of Lieutenant.”

“I promise to try harder, my Lord.”

Beelzebub nodded and let go of my hair, letting me fall to floor.

“Screw up again, you’ll be punished severely.”

I nodded, wallowing in self pity.

“Yes, my Lord.”

The author's comments:
More subplot for second book. Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!


“Common Lucy, take your medicine,” I said, holding a spoonful of the honey colored liquid.

Lucy pouted. She had been outfitted in a short, sleeveless lavender night dress.

“I’m not swallowing that rhino urine they’re calling medication,” she huffed. Her nose was dark red from the sickness. If she didn’t start taking her meds, things were gonna get ugly.

“Just hold your breath,” I suggested.

Lucy groaned and put the spoon in her mouth, swallowing every drop. I held out a glass of tea, which had the herbs Belia had given me mixed in. The succubus didn’t leave a drop.

Lucy laid back down, her arms crossed firmly, pouting.

“Quit being a b****,” I hissed. Lucy stuck her tongue out.

“Shut up, asshole,” she moan, pulling her pillow over her head.

I skimmed through the book on demon sickness that Belia had also lent me.

“There we go,” I said, finding the page on Eblis fever.

“Side effects include mood swings, aggressive behavior, and stomach cramps.”

“So basically I’m on my period?” Lucy growled from under her pillow.

I sunk down a bit.

The herbs worked extremely well. Within minutes Lucy was sound asleep, so I could relax.

“What am I gonna do with you,” I muttered, fiddling with my scarf.


Someone was pounding on the door.

“Come in,” I said, unsure of what I was doing.

The door burst open, and Kitsumi appeared. Her emerald green hair was slightly tangled, and her left eye brow was twitching. She didn’t look to good either.

“Um, sempai?”

Kitsumi snatched my arm and practically dragged me through the hallway. When we reached the door to the clinic, she kicked the door open and let go of me.

Belia, who was sitting down, reading some long book, looked up.

“Hello, Kitsumi-sama. How are-”

She didn’t get to finish, as Kitsumi violently slapped her across the face, knocking her to the floor.

“B****!” she yelled.

Belia rubbed her sore cheek.

“What the hell?!” she croaked.

Kitsumi grabbed her by the collar and sneered.

“You ratted me out, didn’t you?” she said in voice filled with pure rage.

Belia batted her eyelashes innocently.

“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”

Kitsumi slapped her again.

“Cut the crap, nobody ever suspects the oh-so-innocent nurse to be a snitching whore, but I guess I’m not most people,” she growled.

Belia glared at her.

“I figured my Lord had to be told you were starting a fight with a ruffian, or else you may have not survived that throat cut.”

Kitsumi rubbed her neck, which was covered with a bandage.

“Of course, who was I kidding? I mean, getting almost killed by a weakling is surely enough of a punishment itself.”

“Shut your filthy mouth and quit acting like you’re such a big deal! Nobody will even care if I rip those pretty blue eyes out of that disgusting thing you call a face!”

“And suppose my Lord won’t care if finds out you were having sex with my brother?” Belia retorted, smirking wickedly.

Kitsumi pushed her down on the cold floor and reached up Belia’s dress.

“Imagine that,” Kitsumi scoffed, holding up a leather bag.

“You have it all along. I had a feeling someone with your knowledge could possess a small amount of the cure.”

The cure? What the hell was that?

“Keep your dirty paws off it!” Belia cried as Kitsumi pulled a vial of pink liquid out of the bag.

“Keeping an illegal drug is surely something punishable by execution,” Kitsumi scowled.

“Everyone knows the cure is never to be in the hands of any demon again!”

Belia looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Her entire face was just shock. She stood up and ran out of the room in fear.

The fox girl turned to me.

“Let’s go back to your friend.”

“What exactly is “the cure”?” I ask as Kitsumi opened the door to Lucy’s room.

“I can’t tell you much, but it’s a cursed elixir that can cure anything. You’ll understand when the time comes.”

Kitsumi took a deep breath as she finished her sentence, right before injecting the needle into Lucy.

“What are you doing?!” I shouted.

Kitsumi turned toward me, her eyes glowing.

“Getting rid of the evidence,” she said flatly.

As the syringe emptied, Kitsumi sighed.

“And now that I have witness, I believe Miss Belia has no chance in a trial.”

She looked at me.

“You can’t tell anyone about this. Lucy will be fine by tomorrow. If you even mention the cure, I’ll kill you,” Kitsumi hissed

“I’ll do it slowly, making you suffer as much as possible. That drug is tool used for ultimate power. If in someone else’s hands, the demon world will be an even worst Hell. Do we have deal?”

I nodded.

“Deal. I’ll keep your secret.”

Kitsumi walked over and grabbed me by my scarf, pulling me to her eye line.

“Do you swear on your life?”

“Yes mame.”

She kissed me. Letting go of my scarf, she pretty much smothered me.

“What are you doing?!” I shouted, coming up for air.

“A demon’s trust,” Kitsumi managed to say.

She let go of me.

“If you break your promise. I’ll know.”

And with that, she left.

The author's comments:
Wait for book 2 and manga, ;D


“Man, I hope a never get Eblis fever again!” Lucy yawned.

I nodded.

“Yeah, it must have sucked for you,” I chuckled.

Lucy playfully stuck her tongue out.


It was as if Lucy hadn’t been sick at all. She was cheerful and lively as her usual self, even though only a few hours ago she was sick enough to be quarantined. I guess Kitsumi had been right. That thing was next to god.

“So, wanna go get some cake?” the succubus said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Oh, um, no thanks. You should go get some,” I said quickly.

Lucy eyed me suspiciously.

“You’ve been acting strange since last night. What happened to you?”

I shook my head.

“Nothing, I’m just feeling a little down today.”

The succubus sighed.

“Fine, I’ll bring some back, but I’m not sharing.”

As she left out the door, I smirked.

“I didn’t want any!” I called out to her.

“Sure, you didn’t!” Lucy teased.

I scratched Cerabera’s head, making the demon hound puppy bark cheerfully.

As I stood up and walked outside. I had finally gotten used to living in a dimly lit cave environment, almost as much as I once enjoyed the sun.

Bat fluttered around, as if they were tiny black birds, scattering around the place.

But several questions still bugged me.

Who was Lucy? What really was the story behind the cure? What did Kitsumi have in mind making me a “witness”? Who was Colonel Mammon? What did Shinnobuu have to gain from causing all that chaos?

I picked Cera up in my arms, stroking his furry head.

“But now that I think about it more clearly, I have all the time in the world.”

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