Dance Recital | Teen Ink

Dance Recital

January 24, 2012
By chelsea.mann15 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
chelsea.mann15 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The lights shine like the sun. We march to our formation. Then, we hit our poses. The only noise is soft whispers as the bass from the music starts pumping. I feel all eyes on me. I paint a huge smile on my face and count to eight. I'm ready to show off all my hard work. The moves come to my head and I perform them alongside my class. My black ballet shoes are wings that carry me across the stage. I run to my final position. The music ends, we hit our finishing pose, and the crowd goes wild. All of my practice and hard work are for these four minutes on stage. I smile at the crowd and walk off stage, another successful dance recital.

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