Sister | Teen Ink


May 2, 2018
By tcain98 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
tcain98 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could give a good talk about someone, it would be about my older sister Quaneesha . My sister Quaneesha graduated from USF. She majored in health science . And my Dream is to follow her foot step down the road . Her freshman year she was in deta . she made all good grades and followed everything she wanted to do . she's a wonderful person in never let anyone stop her dreams down the hard ways . she always tried to make me go visit colleges but she end up doing it . she always said “ Tea you're taking too long for me “ so she end up picking “ USF , BCU , CAU “ 3 main colleges i'm looking at with her by my side . She even told me sites that can apply for scholarships . “ scholarships will help you out , even can pay for loans or half of your college you never know sometimes “ she would say . My sister text me everyday , she doesn't miss a day at all . she stays on me about college every chance she can get.

Next , My sister got mad at my teacher for not trying tell me more about college along the way. Every work I do my sister looks over it , such as essays , homework , and ect ; . she tells me right from wrong all the time . Sometimes she makes me start all over again to understand what i did or why I did something wrong . She looks over college information because soon we will be filling out FAFSA , She is already for me to be on my A game at all times . She told me fill out the packet the first day they put it on the site so i'll be ready and won't be late . She knows how college will be for me in her eyes , I'm not the smartest person ever  but my sister see the best in me when everybody around only see the worst in me .  My sister is a hard worker and a wonderful person who wants nothing but the best for me . I will take all my classes in give my all to it . she says “ submit before the deadline “ she keeps telling me the same thing all the time almost everyday .

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