Travel | Teen Ink


November 2, 2017
By jamieeann BRONZE, Hemet, California
jamieeann BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in the plane, all to see family. We had met before but I was still nervous with butterflies flying in my stomach and the thought of introducing myself to new people I hadn’t met the last time I had visited. Traveling was exciting, full of junk food and fun. I had let my heavy eyes shut before taking off, knowing I would sleep till’ we had arrived. Waking up to the thudding happening below me causing my body to vibrate, I was ready to run a marathon. The four hours made my butt numb and my legs tingle like they do when sitting in school all day. I grabbed my bags excitedly, knowing that I was soon to see family. I was in Texas. I could not wait to see my amazing family in which I had not talked to in a few years. My mom and I walked outside where we met the RV that my dad waited for us in. He was going around the United States with my Grandma who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Getting into the RV I felt so free after being on a plane forever, causing me to never want to get onto another plane for ages. I walked around, trying to find food inside of the vehicle, finally finding some Lays chips in one of the cupboards. Two hours later, we approached my Aunt’s house located inside of a ranch called Cal Farley’s Boys and Girls Ranch. My Aunt is a counselor for the program and wanted to show us around the place, giving us the history behind it as well. I was tired. Sleeping inside the RV was not the most comfortable but was the best we had for sleeping. Waking up I had a small bite to eat and we were back on the road again, we had other places to be. Mabank, Texas on one of the lakes, we approached my second Grandma’s house. Fishing was always fun and the first thing me and my dad did when going to Texas.Another one of our traditions was to go to a Tex-Mex restaurant. I had ordered combo nachos. Coming out of the back where the chef was located, smelling like heaven, we were given our food. Scarfing down the food that I was given, I was full very quickly, causing me to not be able to finish the plate. Drinking, my Aunt and Mother were causing a scene, laughing loudly causing people to stare uncontrollably. Soon after everyone finished their meals, we left to go back to the lake house in which we had cake and cookies to celebrate everyone coming.Playing games, my whole family was together and happy to be together. We were all tired. Going each to our resting areas, changing into our pajamas and getting ready for bed we said our I love yous and rested our eyes for a long day of traveling ahead of us. Waking up I knew I had to go back home to my friends who were missing me and my lonely empty house.Getting onto the plane, I was sad to be leaving my family that I loved to see and spend time with. Everyday I wish I was there, with my family.

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