Different Educations | Teen Ink

Different Educations

October 17, 2017
By saga_erika BRONZE, Manassas, Virginia
saga_erika BRONZE, Manassas, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To me “winning” in education means gaining something from it. In all of our articles, they all gained a higher knowledge on the topic they choose to learn more about, and we all know knowledge is power. Sure, it might not be in the traditional way how Maxine went through school but instead knowledge could be obtain in a jail cell. Many might think a degree is “winning” but college-graduates end up jobless all the time. Malcolm X never passed the 8th grade but by reading day after day, it gave him the resources to understand his situation better. Education in my eyes is not sitting in desks but learning and comprehending topics on a deeper level, and that is why Malcolm X had “won.”

Similarly, my own Education has always seemed impossible to achieve. A old boys club, where you get picked off in the middle of the night; with cloth bag put over your head. Only to realize that you do not belong because usually the same rich families are picked to join. The only way in would be with their family’s name and money neither I have. Growing up with limited money and a foreign last name, most people see it as too much trouble to say right. I believe “Nine Missing” would be the title of my single novel. I have gone to one high school, three middle schools, and five elementary schools (moved a whole hell lot more.) Different environments means different personas based mainly of the type of people in the school. I have realized that when I went to a school in the Midwest, I felt small and judged from comments that were bad then but as a teen I see were terrible. I had a neighbor who spent the night, only to compare my mother's frijoles to s*** (all I did was laugh because why would a 9 year old think anything of it.) I remember little scenes like this but it comes in waves; not allowing me to see the clear picture.

Later, I’d go to a privileged middle school during the 6th and 7th grade, where everyone knew who did not belong. This middle school boundary lines held mansions of rich kids, and the only Hispanics who went to this school were in my neighborhood. Our neighborhood was on the edge of the line so everyone knew when someone came from “there.”  We all were minorities, mostly Hispanics, we all knew each other because once a family settles in; they stay for years. My close friend lived in the neighborhood for six years before I moved in, and many other kids were the same as him. At this school, Id sleep through all my classes or read my Harry Potter books so I failed everything. Usually, I just wanted to block out that damn school full of girls who went to the mall every weekend spending their parent’s money. I hated them because they made me feel jealous of what they were given so easily. Yet, my mom has to save up for three months straight just to give me a Christmas present. Soon, I felt like an outcast who just hung out with the same “ghetto” kids from her own neighborhood. Before this school, I wasn't an A/B but I tend to understand things quickly when I’m interested. In my opinion, a student’s friends plays a huge role in their education. During my time in my “ghetto’ neighborhood, my grades fell in swoop so did my attitude. Soon, I’d become hateful against my peers for the things they would say or do. One time, I was talking to one of my neighbors “chill” white friend, then another neighbor girl came up to me to ask something. The “chill” friend said, “OMG did you notice how you talked to that girl?” I had no idea what she was talking about so I just nodded no. She then told me that I started to talk ghetto and nothing like how I was speaking to her. That moment gave me a prejudice against rich, privileged folks because they tend to say the most audacious things. I'm not proud of it because I know I can say it is my chain so I try not to immediately judge people who are given a higher advantage than me.

During the 8th grade, I got myself together and was an A/B student. The school was mostly Hispanics and Black children so it was a change but I met people of similar background. Thankfully, those people are still my friends today but I've noticed that settling down has made me scared of change. Sure, I know if I moved again today then I would be fine. Although, if I can help it then I stick with people I know or trust. The public education system are different ecosystems which have different life that shape the environment.  I see my education more than memorizing dates and people, but I see it as me learning how to deal with my environment and how to use it to my advantage.

The next part of the title would be “Missing Sagastumes,” because I see every school as another part of myself. Different people but with each school move they fade away like a clean slate. The way I would deal with each move was by missing my official “last day” of school, and by not telling anyone I was moving. Although it may seem cruel, I grew to enjoy leaving so soon because I’d get a restart button on people, teachers, and my grades. In a way, when I left behind my life at these schools, I left parts of myself (Sagastumes.) You may be asking why isn't she talking about her grades and how hard it was to conform to the traditional education system. Well if I’m being honest, I learn fast and work pretty good in the system in place already. My struggles come from social situations within the system (which sucks if you are anti-social like me.) Education has given me the opportunity of learning how to interact with different type of people, whether I like them or not.

The author's comments:

I was always moving when I was growing up, and most of the schools were different. Whether by the teachers, funds, or just myself in the environment. 

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