Greatest Gift | Teen Ink

Greatest Gift

September 26, 2017
By Anonymous

Knowing that three other times before this one I didn’t get what I had wished for, I wasn’t going to let that stop me. This time it was going to be fourth times a charm. I had dreamt and prayed every night for a little sister. She was the one gift from God I wanted more than anything.

1.4 million babies are born in the United States each year. 51.2% of those babies born are boys. I had always wondered why I had no sisters and all brothers… now I know. Boys had officially take over my life. I was surrounded by stinky, rough, loud boys. I loved them more than anything; however, I needed a sweet girl to balance out the crazy in my life.

Sitting on the cold, light blue leather couch my meme had had for years, looking hopeful and anxious to hear the news that was waiting to fill the air. As my loving family surrounds me, some knowing the emotions that are about to take over and others sitting in the same shoes as myself. My dad walks over to me and his lips start to move.

“It’s a girl” he announced. How had he let those words roll out of his mouth so smoothly. I was in complete and udder shock. Jumping up and down was all I could do. I had just won the lottery, I couldn’t believe it. A dream that seemed a million miles away was now sitting at my door step.

Inevitably this little girl has been one of the greatest joys in my life. She is the reason for the smile on my face. Holding onto my dream and having faith that someday it would come true was the best choice I’ve made. Having persistence even when there are set backs is important.

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