Daughter of a Soldier | Teen Ink

Daughter of a Soldier

July 12, 2017
By twill1963 BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
twill1963 BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”.

My father's name is Alonzo. He has traveled all around the world and has had many childhood stories. He has also had some present adventures, like raising me. I admire my father the most because of how strong he is. He takes care of me and my mother no matter what.

My father was about nineteen when he first joined the military. He served twenty years protecting our country's nation.  My father traveled all around the world when he was in the military. Some of the places he has traveled to are Italy, France, Germany, Africa, Brazil, Venezuela, and Chili. These are just a few of the places my father has visited. My father's occupation in the military was engineering. He worked in the Navy. He also participated in the Golf War. Not only did my father protect our country in the Navy, but he also has had many adventures as a child.

As a child my father was a very small child. Although he was small he was not afraid to protect himself. My father was not bullied that often, but there was one girl when he was in the third grade that was the meanest, toughest bully in the whole school. One day my father's Cousin was intimidated physically  by the bully. My father walked up to the fight and pulled the girl off his cousin.  The girl reached her arm back and swung to punch him, but he swung first in self defense. luckily, the blow landed on the girls arm and did not hurt her. Unfortunately, the girl continued to bully others. My father is known to stick up for his family. Not only that, but  my father is still having an adventure to this day.

My birth mother is a person who frequently intoxicates herself. Because of this fact. My mother is no longer raising me. My great aunt and uncle are. I call them mother and father. Due to tis,  they have been raising me ever since I was two. My father has stuck by my side ever since. He takes care of me and my mom, keeps a roof over our head, and keeps food on the table. He gives us unconditional love, and continuously distributes kindness towards us. My father takes care of us, and also is the strongest person I know.

My father was just taken into the hospital in December of 2015. When he was taken in he stayed there for 1 ½ weeks. On the day he was to be removed from the hospital,  he was informed that he had stage 4 prostate cancer. When I found out this news I was devastated, but my father has been able to get through it. He has been the strongest person I know through this hard time. He is 100% sure that all of us will make it through this. He has kept a high head through this process and I am sure that I am the proudest of him because I know that this is a very agonizing time for him and my mother. I believe that he is truly the strongest person I know. I admire him most for this reason. I will always love him.

My father has done a lot and said a lot, and after my ten years of living with him, I admire him most. He loves us and tries to keep us safe in every way. My father is absolutely the most wonderful father I know. He will always be #1 to me. 

The author's comments:

I wrotethis [iece  when I was feeling really sad about what was happening in my own life.

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