write around | Teen Ink

write around

May 10, 2017
By woods,jordan BRONZE, Kansas City , Kansas
woods,jordan BRONZE, Kansas City , Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day was cold and dreary when a car passed my house sounding like it was at full speed but that didn't bother me until i heard another one then i go out side a check  but there was nothing than i here another one this time there was nothing so weird i said then a bright light flashed. A bright red car sped by, followed by another one. I thought it was strange to see those cars going in a strange direction. They had flashing red lights and the cars themself were solid black. I looked back to see who was in the cars but I couldn’t see anything. All I could see were dimmed in windows. I was so tuned in to watching the cars that I didn’t see one of them stop a little while down the street, and two figures wearing all black stepped out. Then, they started sprinting at me. Terrified, I ran down the street the opposite way, just to find that I had been flanked. I had to run out into the street, into the cars that I had spent minutes looking at. No, I thought, I will get hit. So instead I scampered up the garden wall into my neighbor's backyard. Luckily he was my best friend, so I knew his backyard pretty well. I quickly ran over to our favorite tree, it had a hole in it just big enough for me to squeeze my slim body into. I climbed inside and prayed that they hadn’t seen where I had gone. I heard the gate click open, and I slowed my breathing so they wouldn’t be able to hear. I heard their footsteps getting closer and closer, and that’s when I realized that they were standing right in front of me. I got grabbed i was the cops they asked me why i was running i said i thought you were stalkers they said no your mom wants us to come get you and take you to her i laughed. I got in the car i they took me to my mom i told what happened we laughed about it.

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