Animal Rights | Teen Ink

Animal Rights

March 23, 2017
By missionentry BRONZE, Austin, Texas
missionentry BRONZE, Austin, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Utilize the privilege of a voice. Each day, humans confront global issues that affect their society, or communities of significance. We, as people, have the coveted allowance to fundamental rights, to communicate our thoughts, and to present propositions to benefit our daily lives. But what about the outspoken? Those who speak in a language we cannot comprehend- whose numbers dissipate annually, as the growing population of hazardous factors implemented around the world threaten the efforts of those who attempt to make a difference.  Animals- those who don't posses a comprehensible voice. As the hidden voices of our world, species witness global mistreatment without consent, with the sole hope of humans who fight the force of the current tugging towards violating all rights of life in animals. It is time to understand what is occurring behind the scenes of corporate industries and producers, as well as to dispose of what seems essential, but will actually produce a negative impact.The violations of animal rights appear in animal populations and behaviors, factors and industries contributing to the issues, as well as companies for and against animal rights, which all combine to form a conflict between what is humane, and what is convenient.

Animals which once roamed the planet in abundance now suffer dangerously low statistics of survival. These threats result from factors ranging from seemingly mild to severe, including: climate change, habitat protection, consumer demand, illegal poaching, hunting, abuse, and mistreatment in captivity.

According to statistics, roughly 30,000 species face extinction each year from human-related threats. Recent research shows humans to utilize thirty percent of Earth’s marine productivity, and fifty percent of Earth’s land has been transformed for human usage. Some species which face endangerment and eventual extinction include: Polar Bears, Gulf Sturgeon, Mississippi Gopher Toads, Florida Panthers, and Loggerhead Sea Turtles, to name a few. Countless species facing a threatened population is a fairly common and often ignored knowledge, as some humans believe it to be unrelated to their own actions. However, the reasons for a large majority of animal extinction is in relation to humans, and we have the ability to change- or disregard this knowledge.

3 common industries which violate animal rights, as well as decimate populations are as follows: agribusinesses, experimentation, and habitat destruction. Agribusiness is seen outside of Animal Welfare Laws, excluding the industry from any cruelty restrictions. Animals are irresponsibly raised for human consumption. While these mass-production and slaughter farms seem beneficial to provide for the exponential growth in global population, this type of animal cultivation can actually harm or poison consumers, as close quarter living cultivates new diseases, such as antibiotic resistant-pathologies, salmonella, and e.coli. Animal experimentation surfaces in product lines concerned with the safety of new formulas. Companies often conduct experiments with their products on lab animals to ensure that the results are standard. However, animals have different genetic compositions than humans, meaning that torturous experiments conducted on animals do not always foreshadow the effects a formula will have on humans. These experiments could also produce false conclusions. Habitat destruction is common around the globe. While many do not see it as threatening to animal welfare, as it is not a direct stab at different species, destruction of habitats leads to minimal living space and the eventual exhaust of many disparate species. Habitat destruction is often a compromise for new developments, natural resources, living quarters, recreational areas, and more. Behind each of these projects is the decline of a species which no longer has a region to reside. Animal testing, habitat destruction, and agribusiness are some of the many methods of mistreating animal welfare, no matter the motivation behind the project.

There are a plethora of reactions to the sources- both obvious and unexpected- behind animal rights violations. A thought often pondered is the reason for which animal rights matter to us, as humans. An obvious response is that we too, are technically animals, simply superior to other species. However, the importance of animal rights runs much deeper, into hypothesizes of whether the destruction we’re causing holds possible benefits, or in contrast, if it is unnecessary, and even harmful. For example, testing hygienic products on animals before releasing them for human usage implies that the affects of specific chemicals of various biological structures will produce identical affects on the entirely different body composition of humans. It also implies that the lives of animals are insignificant, when it has been scientifically proven that a large percentage of animals witness similar physiological responses and emotional changes to those as humans in specific situations. Animals are aware of their surroundings, leading mistreatment, cruelly, and misuse of the species to be a violation of not only inevitable right of living creatures, but also the abuse of animal welfare. Furthermore, agribusiness and animal experimentation have proved unsuccessful and harmful in multiple scenarios. If these industries are detrimental to animals, and largely irrelevant for humans, it is crucial to look at which of these are necessary for human survival. Humans must recognize that advocating for animal rights does not translate into the elimination of functional hygienic products, zoos and recreational entertainment, domestic pets, and meat consumption. It simply means all these things in moderation, to respect and endorse the welfare of animals, so as not to endanger any species of life. This means supporting companies fighting animal testing, but still utilizing technology to ensure the safety of their products. It means purchasing from free-range industries, rather than from agribusiness corporates who violate animal welfare regulations to obtain their product. It means that we must recognize that we are involved in a dependent relationship with animals, our survival is linked to theirs, and that the lives of animals have meaning.

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