The Rating Game | Teen Ink

The Rating Game

December 9, 2016
By Averihoffman BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Averihoffman BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Rating Game: a classification or ranking of someone or something based on a comparative assessment of their quality, standard, or performance. The future holds many new and improved ideas of a perfect society. Say ratings, ratings are the way people live, the way people see each other throughout the judgment they make of a person. Mona Owens, a women of high ratings, or setting her goal to get these high rating. She is a 29 year old woman, she's much like the others in her efforts of getting ranked and rated the highest. In the year of 2025 there's a thing known as ratings and having everything revolve around your rate, being able to physically see how much people rate you based on how you treat one another in everyday life situations.

Mona on a day to day basis wakes up, gets her exercise, socializes with different people around her town and goes to work. Ratings don't just matter with people, ratings are the key in life and succeeding. For example at work being a 3.0 and higher is acceptable, but once you go below a 3.0 your work cuts you off and doesn't even allow you to come inside the facility. Now Mona is at a good spot with her ratings and overall life, she has a rating of 4.2 but of course tries every day to get higher and higher. So at her point in her life she is living with her 30 year old brother, Isaac. Now isaac isn't the most popular liked person and his rating shows that, its a 3.1. So with this in mind Mona thinks it's about time to get a new place for just her and her thoughts. The next day she went out to go house hunting stumbling upon a nice looking modern home, she immediately falls in love with the model. As she discusses the plans with the real estate agent she finds out about the very much needed discount to afford this home. But of course the ratings come into play once again, in order to get the discount you must be at a 4.5 and above rating and Mona is only at a 4.2 rating. So Mona immediately starts to plan out her efforts in getting her ratings up.

It's the next day and Mona is sitting around going through her feed on her social media, and happens to scroll upon an old friend. Her name was Dixie Heart, and soon Mona had realized that Dixie had a 4.8 rating! Given this rating meaning Dixie was very popular and likes, Mona reached out to her, by posting an old photo of the two. A Couple days had went by and Dixie saw the post she very quickly gave it 5 stars, and after that she just had to call Mona as soon as possible. The two talked they caught up with each other they laughed and very suddenly realized how much they miss each other and love each other. They were on the phone for about an hour or so and suddenly Dixie jumped with joy as she told Mona the news, she led on to with the words “ i'm getting married!” And with this being said Dixie went straight ahead and asked Mona “will you be my maid of honor?” Mona was speechless but of course with the tears in her eyes she followed up with saying “Yes!” Without a doubt. Dixi then spares Mona the information about when and where the wedding will be and such. She says “the wedding will be at a beautiful beach home in long beach island and will take place and 1 week!”

Mona of course is so honored and excited to be the bridesmaid of Dixis wedding, and not only because she gets to see her long distance best friend but because she know that all of Dixie's friends are at a 4.8 and above rating considering that is Dixie's rating is the same. A few days later it was about time for Mona to make her way to Dixies big day, although things start getting get a little bit odd on her part. So here she is making her way out the door to head to the airport and suddenly her and Isaac get into a heated discussion about something completely stupid. Throughout the argument she realizes the taxi driver has been waiting for more than 5 minutes she then decides to storm out of the house angrily. But she wasn't the only one angry the taxi driver was getting impatient and she just so happened to run into a woman with a 4.8 rating causing the woman to spill hot coffee all over herself causing her to give Mona a bad rating right away. It seemed everyone was giving Mona a hard time but as she got into the car she took a deep breath and calmed herself. Mona was checking in to board the plane and the woman working led on with the words “ sorry ma'am that flight has been canceled” “ sorry.”  Immediately after that she snapped she was in utter disappointment, leading her to yell at the lady working. The lady then went on to call the cops due to violence. They came and punished Mona by giving her defective rating they dropped her 4.2 to a 3.0. Everything in Mona's eyes was sorda crumbling and worsening. But she still stayed determined.

Mona rented a car, very cheap old car due to her ratings, made her way and about a little less than half way to Dixie's wedding she got notification that her car battery was low. As she was at the station she attempted to charge her car while realizing the model of the car was too old for the adopters available. Mona walked with sorrow trying to find a way to make it to this wedding, she received a call from Dixi saying “where are you!!!” She could tell the anger in her voice. Dixie led on with telling Mona she can no longer attend to her wedding due to her low ratings and lateness. Literally nothing was going right, but about 9 hours later, she made it. She made it by lots of hitching rides from bus driver ladies, and a dirt bike she borrowed from a man she met. Mona at this point was going insane. She showed up to the wedding covered in mud, dirt, makeup absolutely everywhere. And at this point she wasn't even allowed to be in the facility she tried and tried to make things better but as you can tell making thing better led to  actually worsening thing. Being at the wedding uninvited led to Dixie calling the cops. The cops came, and at this point she was done. About 2 hours later she was brought to prison for the crime of threatening people and causing violence. She laid there in absolute silence she laid there on the cold prison bed in sham to herself. Moral of the story focus on moments not trying too hard for a good image of yourself.

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