Not A World Wide Happiness | Teen Ink

Not A World Wide Happiness

December 1, 2016
By smwycoff21 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
smwycoff21 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking into the new Honchos restaurant down town I didn't know what to expect. I was wondering if I would see any new, interesting things that I haven't seen in many other restaurants. Mainly because the restaurant is a different culture based theme. I opened the two swinging glass doors and stumbled into the coffee shop in the back of the restaurant. When I walked in I felt a stable, sane and warming environment all around me. It reminded me of my family during our good, happy times. Although those times may not be always there, the good ones are still the memories I can always feel when I am near that environment. I have multiple good memories with my family. Not everyone gets that privilege or opportunity in the world to make those memories though. There are many kids that get to go home to a loving household with a mom, dad and possibly if you're lucky a sibling or two. But those others kids who don't have the greatest luck don't get to go home to that. They may not be able to go home at all or even call a certain place home. I started thinking that these consequences children face aren't always their fault, sometimes mistakes get passed down generations. I am a strong believer that your actions will be heard and will be responded to in either a negative or a positive way. Lots of people make bad decisions and think the only person they are effecting are themselves, but that's not true. There is always tomorrow and the next day where that mistake can haunt you forever and when you get older it might stay with you and effect your children. A child should not have to bare the brunt of your former life before them. I think that people need to think before they do and become a little smarter with deciding their life plans before they move to the next step. No child should be an accident, every child is deserving of a home and a family. My family is there every night to tuck in me in when I go to sleep and they are there every morning when I wake up to get ready. This loving environment should not have to be a privilege it should be a given because every child has a place in this world. Walking into Honchos I felt that warm feeling of love and compassion and it reminded me of what I had back at home and it reminded me to never take my family for granted and to never let my mistakes ruin other people. It reminded me that what I had was not a privilege... I was simply just a lucky one, and not everyone is as lucky as me.

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