Pop Pop | Teen Ink

Pop Pop

November 4, 2016
By cmclaughlin BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
cmclaughlin BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I step through the door of my grandparents’ home, the sweet smell of cleaning products rises into my nostrils. I remove my shoes and sink into the cotton-soft carpet in the lounge room. As I look down at my socks, I chuckle to myself as I remember how many times my grandmother made sure I was wearing them, so that I would not “ruin” her carpet. Glancing around the living room, I admire how homey their house feels. I stroll up the short stairway and into the main living room to see my grandmother dusting away, as always. Then it hits me: that one scent. The scent of the just vacuumed, fresh carpet. It smells so clean and cozy. I close my eyes and inhale the scent, as my mind floods with memories of my childhood, one very vivid one remaining in my brain, as I hold onto the warm, crisp scent.

I was six years old at the time. I lay on the freshly vacuumed white carpet in my grandparents’ living room. My grandfather approaches me with a single coin.

“Do you want to see a magic trick?’ he exclaims. I nod my head yes. He places his hands behind his back and messes around with the coin. As he pulls his hands in front of himself, I notice that the coin is gone, but I know where it went.

“It’s between your fingers Pop Pop!” I yell.

“Good boy,” he says, jokingly.

My six year old self returns with “Pop Pop! I am not a boy!” We both laugh, and I return to playing with my doll.
As I open my eyes again, I see my grandmother dusting away, and I inhale the clean scent of the carpet, which to this day reminds me of all the memories I had in this house and the jokes my grandfather always said to me. He’s been gone nearly a month now, and their spotless house seems empty. I look around the living room, finding myself admiring all the photos placed on the walls. I walk over and sink into the cozy couch. As my toes run through the soft carpet, I inhale the comforting scent once more. I picture another vivid memory.

My grandfather has his camera in his right hand. I sit on the bed in the guest room, which was always more like my room, with my cousins Christina and Kaitlin and two of their friends. I can’t picture the exact song we are jamming out to, but I know it was by Hannah Montana. Pop Pop is videotaping them dancing on the bed and me trying to be included in the teenage fun. They were suppose to be babysitting me, but, of course, they would rather be with their friends. I mean, who wouldn't? So, me being my curious six year old self, I decide to wander. I wander out of the room, down the hall, and to the stairs.

I ended up breaking my arm that day, but the memories of being with my grandfather are still impacted in my brain. The crisp scent of the newly vacuumed carpet makes my heart feel warm. I inhale the comforting scent again as I open my eyes and walk over to my grandmother to hug her.  She hugs me tightly, and then looks at me and says “I miss him.”

I sigh, as I inhale the clean scent one last time, and say “Me too.”

The author's comments:

The memories of my past with my grandfather who recently passed have inspired me to write this piece for him. I know even though he is no longer here, he is watching me and he is proud. I hope this inspires people to not fall apart when you lose someone close to you, but hang on to all the memories of them.

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