My Influenced Passion | Teen Ink

My Influenced Passion

October 26, 2016
By KylahBrennan BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
KylahBrennan BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
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There is more to me than the classes I have excelled in and the clubs I have been involved in.  I have always had a passion for the subject of history ever since I was a child.  All throughout high school, I always looked forward to that one forty two minute class every day, every year.  I think the reason for my passion for history is because of the teachers who have influenced it.  If more teachers had the passion for what they are teaching, I think it would make a huge impact on more students and give them more of a craving to learn in my opinion.  One of the biggest problems with this world today is that most people go to college only for a career they want to make the most money in.  Even though that is a good thing in a way, they do not have an actual passion for their profession.  I think I could be one of the few people to change this and make a bigger difference in another child’s life.

To begin, I was never much of an enthusiastic child when it came to learning.  I never wanted to go to school because I thought of it as dull and uneventful.  As I got older and started high school, things began to change.  I liked attending most of my classes and was even enthused to learn the new chapter we would be starting that day.  One of those classes just so happened to be history, which was my favorite of them all.  Something changed me but I could not understand why all of a sudden I had an interest to learn at all.  Maybe it was that I could understand more or something about what people had done in the past and influenced life today, but when I really thought about it, it was the new teachers I had.  Every history class I had ever taken, they were so educated and enthusiastic about the subject they were teaching.  I feel this is why my eagerness to learn this subject sparked a new chapter for me.

In contrast, what if I did not have the type of environment to learn that I did?  What if the teachers I had did not have the spirit for that subject?  Everything I have ever loved studying might not have been as important to me as it is today.  I feel that this was achieved by that person going to college for the passion they had.  Instead of studying this major to seek money and only money in the future, they went because this is something they wanted to actually learn and teach to the new generation and make a difference.  More people should think this way because they can alter somebody’s entire perspective on life.  Being a new student in the high school and having those teachers triggered something that was greater than just counting down to graduation.  This gave me the experience to gain knowledge without the misery of learning.

In result, my love for education has influenced me to go to college and expand my studies in this subject to reflect them on new children.  This changed me as a person to be able to make a difference in a child who is just trying to get by instead of enjoying the journey of knowledge.  I think for a child to have the ambition to learn, there needs to be somebody to help them find it.  My passion made my future brighter than it might have been.  It gave me a purpose to be able to want to guide another person in the right direction and give them the right initiative to pursue in something that they love.  I am grateful for this quality that I have obtained from this experience.

Finally, nothing is more important to me than my ability to enjoy learning and taking that into my future.  History is one of the few things in my life that I hold onto and incorporate in my everyday life.  The teachers that influenced this behavior has proven, in my perspective, that instead of choosing a job financially, they have chosen it because they had the fascination for their profession and wanted to make a difference in a student’s life, like they did in mine.  I think more people should take this idea into consideration when deciding what to go to college to study and using that major in pursuing a job.  I plan on using this information myself and making a change in education for the next generation.    

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