Trick or Treat | Teen Ink

Trick or Treat

October 19, 2016
By ofwg.saraa BRONZE, Sacramento, California
ofwg.saraa BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i dont act my age i act my shoe size ~ tyler the creator

I was screaming for my life as this random man grabs me. It was fall halloween day, my favorite holiday of the year. I woke up  excited as usually and I ran to my mom’s closet to get my cheap witch costume from walgreens it was a red and black gown with a black witch hat. Then after I went to the kitchen  my mom made me breakfast. She fed me  a Tamale, with hot chocolate, and warm mexican bread from the store. After that I played in the backyard with my brother Pepe, we played tag, hide-n-go-seek, and who ever could do the best front flips in the jumper until we got tired. We played for a good hour or so, then we went inside and watched some halloween movies that my dad got from blockbuster. The title was Corpes Bride. Me and pepe knocked out on the soft couch and we slept for a long time. Pepe woke me up with an unhappy surprise his butt in my face and he farted. I was so mad I pushed him off of me, then he gave me a snack size Kit Kat  so we were cool for now.    


My mom asked us if we were hungry and we said ya so she said, “let’s go to In-N-Out.” Me and my  brother screamed, “YAY!” as we got in  the car my  brother asked me if I wanted to play punch buggy and I said,” YA MAN !” so we we on the lookout for buggys. When I seen one I hopped up and out of my  seat and I punched him on his shoulder and I said, “ payback! ”  When he saw one he punched me as hard as he could and yelled, “ PUNCH BUGGY !” I wasn’t sure what hurted more him yelling or the punch. When we arrived at In-N-Out we jumped out the car and howled like we were wolves. My mom asked me what I wanted and I said, “A cheese burger, Strawberry milkshake, and some fries.” Then my brother ordered what he wanted. We asked the cashier if we could get one of thoses puzzle stickers and she gave  us 2 each. Pepe came up with the idea of having a race who could finish both of them the fastest, he won so I got mad and threw a fry at his head then we started to have a food fight my dad got mad and told us to stop.


My dad said that it was time to go so we all got in the car and I squeezed my brother tight because I was excited. I was so happy because I was getting candy. My dad drove us to Elk Grove. We parked in front of a big house, it had a lot of decorations

With tombstone,bloody windows, and a “dead body”. I asked my mom if we could go to that house first  and she said,” ya sara just wait till i get the stroller down,” We went after she got the stroller down. Pepe was scared of the decorations so he didn’t want to knock I ended up knocking. We all yelled,”TRICK OR TREAT!” The old woman gave us theses regular size Crunch barsAfter I got my  crunch bar I ran across the street to the next house by myself  and I got candy a Hershey’s snack size bar. Then I notice I was alone, my 10 year old self was terrified, my guts dropped all the way to my feet I wanted to scream but I was frozen I thought I lost my family. Then I seen a man wearing all black, he had to be a man I didn’t see hair over his mask. He walked towards me and asked, “ Are you lost ?” I answered,”yeah” as I was about to cry. He grabbed me and said, “ I’m going to take you to your mom.” Then I realized he dosen’t know my mom, I screamed as loud as I could then the owners of the house I got candy from camed out as they heard me scream. They asked me,” Do you know this man?” I answered ,” no,” as tears coming down my cheeks. The guy that was holding me let go and took off running. Next I went inside the candy man’s house and called my mom frighten. After that night I’m never going trick or treating alone.  

The author's comments:

this is a story of how i got my fear for trick or treating alone

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