Confessions To The Girl I Never Should Have Let Go | Teen Ink

Confessions To The Girl I Never Should Have Let Go

April 11, 2016
By Villarrealest BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
Villarrealest BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1.Exactly one year, ten months, and seventeen days ago, I met you.

2.Two months after that, we had become best friends, along with Megan. The three of us were inseparable. It was the best time of my life.

3.On the night we slept at Megan’s house and fell asleep in the backyard, I fell in love with you. Little did I know, you had fallen in love with me as well.

4.I never caught on to your feelings for me. I thought you were straight. So I pushed my love for you back, and tried not to let it show.

5.I got a girlfriend, and I could tell that you didn’t like it. I didn’t know why.

6.On the day she broke up with me, you told me that you were in love with me.

7.You told me that you had been ever since that night at Megan’s house, and it all made sense.

8.You also told me to say that I wasn’t in love with you. You wanted to get over me. And so I did.

9.There is nothing I regret more than telling you that I didn’t feel the same way about you, even though I did. I thought it would be better. I was wrong.

10.I was in no state to be your girlfriend at the time, though I wanted to more than anything in the world.

11.We remained best friends, but I had felt like something was missing. You were missing.

12.I was going to tell you.

13.But then you got a girlfriend, and I couldn’t anymore.

14.We grew somewhat distant, and eventually our friendship faded.

15.My god how I wish I could get that back.

16.At the same time you and your girlfriend broke up, I got a new one as well.

17.We broke up shortly after.

18.But now you hate me because of something you think I’ve done. 

19.You haven’t said a word to me in months.

20.We have not made eye contact this entire year.

21.I have forgotten what it’s like to hear you laugh, and when we were close, that was my biggest fear.

22.Knowing that I can’t fix it makes me sick to my stomach.

23.But I still care about you just as much as I had before.

24.I love you.

The author's comments:

The timing is never right. 

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