Fake Friends | Teen Ink

Fake Friends

December 15, 2015
By HannahRose00 SILVER, Hemet, California
HannahRose00 SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has friends who have your back. Some people are good friends and will always be there for you. Unfortunately, there are people who are fake friends. These are the worst types of the people in the entire world. When they’re facing you they pretend to appreciate you, but once you’re gone they spread rumors about you. At first they seem nice and like a best friend, always being there for you. Then they become your worst nightmare. When you go through a tough time in your life they always leave and disappear. No matter how happy you are they always will come around and ruin your day. When you are happy in a relationship they all of sudden become possessive and hate that person. They are always the reason why you leave the relationship. You get a new outfit that you really like but of course they hate it so you decide to never wear it again. They never invite you to their birthday parties and once school starts up again they leave you all alone. These people are really good at being fake and nice to your face, but behind your back they talk about how terrible you are. They find out your worst secrets and tell the whole world on social media. Once you confront them about it they change it around on you and make you seem like the bad person. Randomly they scream at you and call you all these bad names. These people judge your music taste and question why you dress the way you do. Your real friends point out these fake friends, but you don’t know how to leave these people. You feel like they would be there for you, but in reality they never are. You want to leave them behind and find new friends, but they always come around acting like they appreciate you.  They always point out your flaws and make you feel self-conscious.  Finally, you get tired of being treated like a nothing, so the next time they say hi you just pick yourself up and leave. You leave behind the people who have always made you feel terrible and hated your entire existence. You begin a new life filled with people who love and appreciate you for the person you are.

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