Sacramento, My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My Home

December 8, 2015
By jacbgg BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jacbgg BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sacramento is a places where you can just walk down a beautiful road with amazing ancient trees that look like they can touch the sky. The smell of the fresh air and cinnamon as you walk down the down Sacramento. The view of a gorgeous river with beautiful streets as you look out your hotel window. The sound  of a upbeat song when you walk down restaurants.the noise of monkeys and lions as you pass by the zoo. Looking at people and kids smiling and laughing together. The city you always dreamed to live in. The everyday sunshine so you can go swimming and feel cooled off and refreshed when you jump in the pool. The perfect city right?


In reality some of that i just told you is fake , sure there's hotels but they ain't nice they are all beat up with bad service with no pools. The streets ain’t even gorgeous it's just green and polluted. You can't even take a walk down the streets in south sac without seeing a gang. There is garbage along the sidewalks and the scent of weed. The houses be beat up and the fences are broken. The grass is yellow and dry and the trees look like they are dying because of the drought we have. Well never mind it always look like that even without the drought. Sometimes you be seeing dogs roam around the streets without a owner. If you're lucky enough the dog won't bite you. The roads be all cracked up and dirty.

The author's comments:

communtie issues , fansty vs reality 

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