Another Love Story | Teen Ink

Another Love Story

November 20, 2015
By Loanna8 BRONZE, San Diego, California
Loanna8 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started Junior year in high school.  I never knew him before then.  Then, there was one day at the trolley station.  I saw him for the first time.  We talked.  However, I thought he was cute but never thought me and him would have some chemistry together.


He sent me a friend request on Facebook.  I didn't accept it. Time passed, and he messaged me. For the first time ever.


It was Valentine's Day.  The message for me said, “Hi I seen you around and I think you're cute."


I answered him after a month later.   I said, “thanks."


I never thought he was going to answer me fast, but he did. That one message started everything between me and him.  We talked on the phone and were texting 24/7.  I never thought we would both have chemistry or a lot in common.  I was wrong.


After talking every day, he asked me if I wanted to meet up with him and hang out.   I told him no.


He was fine with waiting to hang out. However, the next time I saw him he was at my bus stop waiting for me with one flower.  I wanted to go back home but I couldn't. So I walked up to the bus, and he gave me a hug and the flower.  I was very nervous.  He said, “Hi again. Hahaha.  I'm sorry.  I wanted to see you.  I couldn't wait." 


All I said is “ It's ok."


Starting that day he brought me everyday to school, like he was my boyfriend (I really wanted him to be my boyfriend one day). Every moment I spent with him, the world seemed perfect.


Days passed.  We talked every day 24/7.   We didn't stop. I loved talking to him (each time I hear his voice...OMG, it made me fall in love more for him).


His voice, smile, and eyes. He was just perfect for me. He was the reason for my smiles every day.  With his good morning text or call, he made my day from the beginning.


Finally, after a year, one day we both went on a date.  For the first time.


I thought it was going to be awkward, but it wasn't. I felt like Cinderella at the ball (instead of mice in the castle though I had butterflies in my stomach).


When he saw me he said, “you look beautiful tonight.”   I I answered him back, “ thank you,” but in the inside i was like OMG he thinks I am beautiful!  I was so happy.


To anyone reading this, my advice is to get to know someone before to get to go out with them.  Make sure he's a good person.  Even if it takes...a long time.

The author's comments:

This story comes from the heart. I hope you like it.

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on Dec. 3 2015 at 12:12 pm
lyevoonatorsaurous_69, San Diego, California
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