The Night She Came | Teen Ink

The Night She Came

November 17, 2015
By desthebest BRONZE, Sacramento, California
desthebest BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" love yourself or no one ever will "

The night was young. Children in costumes out tricking-or-treating. It was a full moon but no one seemed to care. I was confused. SHE told me what was going to happen on Halloween night. She said it was going to be a mess. I asked her what was it that was going to happen but never did I get an answer. All I could do was prepare myself for the worst.

We were all out filling our pillow cases and backpacks until we couldn’t even carry them. 

“I’m gon make bank. I’m selling this to the little kids at my school” my little sister said.

Everyone laughed. Not me though, I was so distracted by what SHE told me. I wasn’t sure when and what was going to happen. That’s what scared me the most.

“Mom, can we go home now!? We have enough candy” I said.

“Yeah, Destiny is right. Let’s go home and watch movies”

Finally! We all got in the car and drove away. “My family is safe” I thought, but that changed in a matter of seconds.

“It’s happening!” I yelled my lungs out my chest.

“SHE was right! Mom drive faster!”

My mom confused but still listened and drove faster. It was too late. Damn it! SHE got us and when I opened my eyes, thinking it was all a dream. SHE was right there.

“What’s the next step?” she asked ME.

“This is only the beginning.”


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