Our Story | Teen Ink

Our Story

November 4, 2015
By KatelynH. SILVER, Mason, Michigan
KatelynH. SILVER, Mason, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failing is giving you another chance to try again

It just started with a look. You imagine yourself falling in love with someone by doing something from the book. They need to be this in order to be with you.....well thats what I thought until i met him.


We were in school, just any normal day, or so I thought. I didn't know that on that day, I would fall in love, just like that. Some people think that falling in love is impossible. That they wouldn't be able to find it. Well I can tell you that I've been there myself. I doubted that anyone with the right mind would love me for who I was and the mistakes I've made throughout my life. But then I found you. From that first day, I knew what your plan was. I knew that you wanted to be with me but I didn't know if I wanted to be with you. I only knew that I was looking for someone like you. I guess I'm blind because I didn't see you standing in front of me.

When you texted me later that night, and we started to talk about the most random stuff and got to know each other, then it hit me. I never saw it coming. I told myself the truth that night after we parted from the virtual world. I came to realize that you were who i was looking for. You were the one I wanted but never had until now.

The more we talked, the more of you I loved. I only knew you for a week until I said yes. I found the one person who put a smile on my face everytime I saw them. I still freak out like a little girl when I get a mssage from you. When you leave to work, those 4 hours where we don't talk, I think about how happy you make me and how much I am in love with you. You continue to surprise me everyday.

I was so nervous of people finding out about us. The secrecy of our relationship was fun at times, but it felt too isolated. As time passed, I started to care less about what people thought. I was happy and thats all I cared about. I found you and you found me.

We may noy be perfect but that's okay with me. Who wants to be perfect. Its to boring to have so many people look up to you and expect so much from you. I don't want a "Perfect" relatioship with you. I want a crazy, fun and loveable realationship with you. In my book, your always perfect.

Don't look for someone that everyone else will aprove. I didn't. I looked for someone that made the butterflies flutter in my stomache everytime I saw them. I chose them not for looks or for who they were. I chose them for their personality. I love them for them.

I love you for you.

Dont ever change.

Forever & Always

To Infinity & Beyond.

The author's comments:

You are my inspiration!

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