25 Fantasies | Teen Ink

25 Fantasies

October 4, 2015
By mortemsomnia PLATINUM, Niagara Falls, Other
mortemsomnia PLATINUM, Niagara Falls, Other
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

1. Lying in a large field surrounded by tall, yellow-green grass. The wind is cool and blowing slow and it raises the hair on my arms
2. Eating crispy french fries and a chocolate shake, sometime past midnight in a little diner in a big city. It’s snowing
3. Trick-or-treating even though we are too old. Carving pumpkins and making cheddar popcorn. Watching a scary movie until we fall asleep
4. Hiking at the gorge in early October. The leaves crunch under our feet. We call out each other’s names to hear our voices echo back
5. On top of a grassy hill, it rains quietly as I stare out to the sea. I forget about life and let the tears fall as the dark clouds roll over above me
6. On a beach in the middle of the night. All I can hear are the waves. All I can see are the stars
7. Awaking early to clean, fresh, white sheets. I press my face against the fabric. I’m watching the sunrise through the slits in the blinds
8. At a concert and the bass shakes my heart. I look up at you and the lights draw coloured patterns across your cheeks
9. Sitting in a parking lot drinking a strawberry-lime Slurpee and eating crunchy Cheetos. The city skyline glows. I hear sirens and hope they’ll be alright
10. Swimming in the cottage lake. My feet don’t touch the bottom and I tread to keep myself afloat. I am naked. I scream my favourite lyrics to the sky
11. A lazy day. Chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese for lunch. I’m watching home movies in torn pajamas and crying my eyes out
12. Sometime after New Years in an empty field. It is cold and it is snowing. I stare a lone deer in the face. I am terrified of the beauty
13. In the bed of a pickup truck racing down a vacant highway. We pretend we are cooler than we really are. We’re blasting old rock and roll
14. The good sleep
15. An early autumn camp fire. My fingers are sticky with marshmallow. I stare into the flames and hope for the better
16. Kissing a beautiful girl for the first time. 
17. Walking through a pumpkin patch. I take a deep breath and hug my arms into my chest. I see a spider chasing water droplets on a web. A time when I’m reminded that the world is so wonderful
18. The train ride home. It rains hard. I watch an old man cry as he reads the newspaper. I close my eyes
19. Christmas eve. Those Pillsbury sugar cookies. The glow of the tree warms my heart. I slowly hum O Holy Night
20. I write the perfect poem and I feel invincible. I crumple the paper and throw it in the trash. I can do better
21. Pizza night. I inhale 6 slices and I don’t want to throw it up. I eat a 7th
22. Dancing in my underwear to 90s one hit wonders. I remember all the lyrics to songs I haven’t heard in years
23. Cicadas sing midsummer and for once I don’t mind. I lay in the sun and let my skin burn. I wipe the sweat from my face
24. I’m alone in a city. I pass a man playing jazz music on the side of the street. I give him all my change. He tells me to stay beautiful
25. I submerge myself in my old yellow bathtub. I close my eyes and slow my breath. The soap smells of strawberries. I search for a purpose

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