Hopeless | Teen Ink


July 27, 2015
By Ryan01 BRONZE, Fort Drum, New York
Ryan01 BRONZE, Fort Drum, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You know that crazy heart of yours? The one with lightning crackling and moonlight shining through it. The one you've been told not to trust because it often led off the beaten path. The one so many have misunderstood your entire life. Trust it.

I met you when I was 13. You were sweet and you let me sit next to you on the bus. We didn't talk for a while after that.


The next time we talked, I had won teh spelling bee. You asked me about my medal and told me to give you words to spell. I laughed when you misspelled 'quintessential'. You thought I asked my friend about you. You held my hand for a second. I liked the way your hand felt on mine. You stared at me in the afternoon sun. You laughed when I asked why you were staring. I thought you were an angel. We didn't talk much after that.


I noticed you in the hallway more often. I smiled at you when you said hi. No one knew I liked you. I told my friend about you, she was like your sister. You told me that yourself. She approved.


I heard you got a girlfriend. I cried. I didn't want to see you.


You two broke up after a while. I was happy even though it was mean.


My friend talked to you. He said you didn't like me like that. I didn't believe him.


I turned 14. It was 50s day. I sat in front of you on the bleachers at the sock hop. You moved to the bottom seat. You took a picture with my friends. But not me.


I saw you at formal. The entire grade went on a boat trip around the bay. My friend asked you if you would take a picture with me. It was blurry but I loved it. You said hi to me on the bus to the docks. On the way back, I thought you were looking at me. I heard you sing You Gotta Friend In Me. I liked your voice.


My friends and I called your friend during a sleepover. We asked him who he thought was the prettiest. He said that you both thought my friend was the prettiest. I wanted to cry.


You had him ask me if I liked you. My friend said I did.


I asked your friend why you wanted to know. He didn't know.


I realized 10 days ago that I might love you.


I found out 4 days ago that you didn't return my feelings. Your friend told me in a text message.


I realized today that it was hopeless.

The author's comments:

I wrote this July 27, 2015. Just wanted to say that so you know when these things occured.

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