Nuestra Fiesta (Our Party) | Teen Ink

Nuestra Fiesta (Our Party)

February 24, 2015
By ale_vg17 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
ale_vg17 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

June 15, 2013 waking up on this day was like no other. It was the day my family and I had been awaiting for about a year, well I had been waiting for this day for about my whole life. To think I said no at first because I was scared to do it by myself. But now since is did it with my sisters it made it an even more special day. Most Hispanic girl’s dream is of wearing a big dress and dancing with their dad on their day. My family and I have been planning my Quinceanera for about a year; all the hard work and stressed days would soon be worth it.
As we got ready for church I thought “What if we’re late? What if I mess up during the dance?” All I could think of were the what if’s. I then told myself “It’s going to be okay, relax.” My sisters, our court, and I got in the party bus and left to the church. During the church for some reason the father’s word’s sounded like a lullaby. My eyes became heavier as each word left his mouth, the sleep I didn’t get due to excitement last night had just hit me. As I looked over to the camera I told myself “Don’t fall asleep, you’re on camera”
After trying my best to stay awake the church ceremony was over. We headed back to the party bus after some pictures with family and friends. My court, my sisters, and I went to take pictures at Longwood Garden. As we struggled to get out the door due to our puffy dresses, everyone’s eyes were on use. As we pasted by strangers took pictures of us and told us we looked beautiful. I was not able to stop smiling as we took pictures; it was everything I could hope for even the weather was perfect.

Waiting outside the doors to the reception area I asked my sister “Do I look okay”  
“Ya. What about me?” She asked me as she twirled.
“You look amazing!” I replied laughing. It was now time to go inside; I could feel my heart beating faster as we got closer to the door. As the announcer introduced us we walked into the room. The room was filled with clapping and cheering, I was amazed and joyed by how many people came, and every single table was filled with family, friends, and strangers.

It was time to dance el baile sorpresa the last dance we prepared; we had been practicing the dance for months. I was going to be in the front for most of the dance, facing everyone. I was going through the steps in my head before one more time. I told my partner and myself “If you mess up doesn’t stop just do the next step.” In our positions I saw my hands shaking and I took a deep breath. The music started and like I practiced I danced with some mistakes but nothing big. At the end of the dance we brought someone to dance with. I felt relieved now I could dance and have fun without worries. As the night grew I danced with friends and family till I could not stand any longer. I sat down and looked around the room, I saw everyone having fun and enjoying themselves. I was happy everyone liked our party. June 15, 2013 was the best day of my life, the day of my Quinceanera.

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