What Matters Most | Teen Ink

What Matters Most

January 26, 2015
By Nathaniel631 BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
Nathaniel631 BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
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What matters to me the most is my family. My family has always been there for me and helps me threw many things. Many people I could count on would be my parents. Other people I could count on is my grandparents who I am close to. The last set of people who help me is my siblings.

My mother has helped me threw many thing such as school and work. She has supported me with many life decisions I have made. Just recently I have decided to join a branch of the military and she backed me up one hundred percent. My father has been strict and has pushed me to strive and peruse my goals in life. I wouldn't be where I'm at now without them.

My grandparents who I am still close to today are helpful and wise. They have given me great life advice and how to be careful about many things. My grandfather is line of the reasons I am joining a branch of the military. He was in the army for many years and has had a great life. I to want to be just as happy and retire like he has and live peacefully.

My siblings are just as good as everyone else's. They can be mean, stubborn, rude, and misbehave. But when it comes to things I need a extra hand on, my brothers are always there to help. My sisters are always there talking away and telling me what to watch out for. Without my siblings I wouldn't be able to accomplish many things and projects that I have succeeded in.

All together even the family members I haven't mention, in the end they are all there for me. I am thankful for the live and support they all give, even the ones that are mean and rude sometimes. I would gladly return the favor for all of them. But there are somethings that they cannot help me on. That is where you have to grow up and  solve the problems on your own , so you always have to be your own motivation sometimes.

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My teacher made me

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