The Great Obstacle | Teen Ink

The Great Obstacle

December 5, 2014
By aaliyah99 BRONZE, Noble, Illinois
aaliyah99 BRONZE, Noble, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Spending today complaining about yesterday won't make tomorrow any better." -Unknown

“Be happy with what you have while working for what you want” said (Keller). Helen Keller these are inspiring words of her’s that could help you in your obstacles. Last track season it was just like any other track meet when I was almost taken out of the season. I was running the 100 meter dash when I was about ten feet from the finish line my hip gave out and it was excruciatingly painful. We rushed to the hospital and found out I had tendonitis. Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon and is caused from overuse of a tendon. I ran too hard in a short amount of time and my hip was extremely inflamed. This meant I was not able to run, but the state track meet was in two weeks. What was I supposed to do? Much like Helen Keller overcame the difficulty of not being able to communicate, I too overcame my obstacle of being hurt two weeks before the state track meet.
Helen Keller overcame the hindrance of not being able to communicate with the help of Annie Sullivan. The Keller’s hired Annie to teach Helen to mind her manners, because Helen was ill as a child, and that illness caused her to be blind and deaf. Annie taught her much more than just manners, she taught Helen things like trust, obedience, and sign language to overcome communication. This was not always easy for Helen but she was determined to learn. Just like Helen, I was determined to overcome my obstacle.
I defeated my botheration of tendonitis by going to physical therapy three times a week and doing exercises to strengthen my hip. I did lots of planks and other exercises my physical therapist told me to do, everynight. When it was time for the state track meet my hip was still hurting, but I decided to run anyways. They called for the 200 meter dash and I was extremely nervous. I took my place in lane six, then the gun went off. I ran my hardest and came in dead last, but I did not care because I gave it my all. As you can see both of us had our struggles, but chose to not give up.
Although out obstacles were different we share a few similarities. Helen and I both were frustrated throughout our obstacles and wanted to back down from the challenge. At one point Helen would get mad at Annie and would not let Annie touch her. I also was a little frustrated with my physical therapist when my hip was not performing any better. Helen’s encumbrance was also much like mine because we were both determined. I was determined to run in the state track meet even if I was hurt. Once Helen figured out that the words Annie was spelling into her hand had meant something she was strong-minded to learn how to spell all the objects around her. Helen and I both learned how to be patient, and to work hard for what we want.
Helen and I both conquered our obstacles and learned from them. I learned that I have an easy life compared to Helen’s and that I can defeat any obstacle. I additionally learned from my complication that winning is not everything. Sometimes the lesson you learn is more paramount than the prize at the end of the race. The important thing is that Helen and I never gave up because “Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn” said an unknown author. 

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