Sin essay | Teen Ink

Sin essay

November 17, 2014
By ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey Ashley, let’s go see the Twilight movie that just came out, everyone’s talking about it!” my friend demanded as she yelled through the phone. “I can’t sorry, I have a math test tomorrow and I barely know the information on the test.” I sadly explained as I could hear her whining on the other line. “But come on, you know you can always study when you get home and in the morning, you’ll be fine!” She convinced me “Well I guess you’re right, okay i’ll see you there!”
It was the Sunday night before a big math test I had bright and early Monday morning, and I desperately wanted to go see the infamous Twilight movie. It was the talk of the sixth grade and everyone had already seen it. I couldn’t go back to school Monday being the only one who hadn’t seen it, so I made the choice of putting off my studies to go. The movie was longer than expected, and we ended up getting out of the theater at eleven. My mom was not too pleased with letting me go out on a school night, and she was especially displeased to discover what time I got home. Right as I got home, I laid down, glanced at my math book, shut my eyes and immediately fell asleep. I knew that if I went into the test without sleep, there was going to be no way for me to pass it. I woke up in the morning extremely exhausted, and regretful of my decisions I had made the previous night before. I did my best to focus and last minute cram for my test, but the time I had left for myself was far too little. By the time the bell had rang for first period, I broke out into a cold sweat, realizing that I had ran out of time to study.
I walked into the classroom, feeling nauseous and couldn’t look my teacher in the eye as she told me good morning. I knew that the outcome of my test wasn’t going to make her or my parents happy. As my teacher went down the rows passing out the test, I discovered that the test was a scantron instead of a written test. I was filled with relief knowing I could easily copy off the girl who sits next to me. My teacher started the timer, and I casually glanced at my neighbors paper copying her exact answers one by one. When the test was finished, and the time was up I proudly turned in my test, realizing I was able to go out the night before and ace my math test all in one. I went through my day feeling on top of the world, without any remorse for my actions.
The next morning I casually walked into first period, but something felt off. My teacher didn’t greet me like she routinely did every morning, and she had a disappointed look on her face. The kind of face I rarely got from a teacher, considering my honor roll grades and perfect attendance. I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, realizing something went wrong. I anxiously waited as my teacher passed out the grades of the tests from the previous day. My teacher slammed my paper on my desk face down, and gave me another one of her disappointed looks with her eyebrow arched at me. I then knew something had to go terribly wrong. Before I flipped my paper over, I looked at the grade on my neighbors test, it was a 100%. I flipped mine over to reveal the whopping 20% I had received on my test. How could it be? I used every answer that my neighbor had, this can’t be! I frantically asked my friend if I could see her test, to discover that everyone in the class had different tests.
   I accepted the grade knowing I fully deserved it. My teacher emailed my mom after school, and I was grounded later that night. But even though my parents were disappointed in me, I was more disappointed in myself knowing that I let myself sin. I cheated, so I then received the failing grade to punish me. Up to this day, I still whole-heartedly believe in karma. What goes around must always come around.

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