A Dog's Life | Teen Ink

A Dog's Life

September 29, 2014
By Jacob Baker BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Jacob Baker BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who knew my dog could be so meaningful within my life.  My dog had been my life teacher.  When I was born, my parents owned a ten month old puppy named Winston.  Ocean-Blue eyes, silky-smooth brown and shaded grey coat, he welcomed me to the family licking my face off with his sponge like pink wet lounge.  Within the thirteen years of living with Winston I started to realize, as weird as it seemed, he taught me the meaning of responsibility and, basically, how to live life.  I believe that my dog truly taught me these lessons.
     Has anyone ever told you that they’ve learned responsibility through their dog?  I think not, but, with me, it’s a different story.  Throughout my childhood, my parents would always be working from sunrise to sunset, which means I was left with Winston all day long to take care of him.  Every morning, the sun would shine through my room with the bright pink sky and the scattered clouds in the distance of my window.  This was like an alarm clock for Winston to get up and go to the bathroom.  I was the person responsible to get up on time and properly let him out so he wouldn’t do his business in the house.  Throughout the day you would constantly have to watch the little four legged devil, for he was always creating trouble, never mind not forgetting to feed and provide him with a drink to keep him healthy.  Try doing this for thirteen years, and you yourself will start to realize the responsibilities a dog can teach you.
     When isn’t a dog’s goofy little face happy?  From sunrise to sunset there’s always a positive look on his face.  If you think about it, a dog’s life is perfect, who wouldn’t want to be a dog, getting back scratches from your owner, running into the woods on a beautiful summer night with your big, flappy, abnormal ears flying behind you, and curled up next to the fire place on a chilly winter night.  Dogs don’t have stress or have to worry about any of the problems we face, they just sit back and enjoy life as it is.
     The best way I learned how to live life and take responsibility is through my dog Winston.

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