My First Fish | Teen Ink

My First Fish

July 24, 2014
By hunterj21 BRONZE, McLean, Virginia
hunterj21 BRONZE, McLean, Virginia
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It was really early in the morning, around 6:00. I woke up and got out of bed. I went to go put my fishing hat on, then I went to go see if my mom was ready to go fishing with me. After that, my mom and I walked down to the boathouse. I was really excited to go fishing with my mom. I went to go get the fishing boat out of the boathouse with my mom. After I pulled out the boat, I got all the fishing stuff I needed to go fishing. I got two fishing rods, a net, the box of hooks and lures, and a fishing box to put the fish in, if I catch one. I also got two oars to row the boat. I put the fishing stuff and the two oars in the boat. After that I put the boat in the lake and my mom and I rowed away from the dock. We rowed around in the middle of the lake with our fishing rods casted out in the water. There was a lot of fog in the air because it was very early in the morning. It was very calm and you could hear and see loons all around in the lake. The loons make a very beautiful sound and everybody that lives on the lake likes them. My mom and I have been sitting and rowing around in the boat for about twenty minutes and we have not had a fish bite on one of our lines. About ten minutes later I felt something on my rod and my rod was moving. My line was moving around and I was very thrilled because I had a fish on my line. I automatically started to reel in my line and the fish kept fighting back. It was getting harder for me to reel in, so I did not reel in. I tired out the fish by not reeling in and letting it swim around. After that I started to reel in again and I reeled in the fish up to the boat. My mom got the net ready, so when the fish came close up to the boat she could put the fish in the net. My mom got the fish in the net and brought it in the boat. It was flopping around a lot and it almost jumped out of the boat. After a few minutes the fish stopped flopping around in the boat. I was so happy and amazed that I caught my first fish. The fish that I caught was a lake trout. After I caught the fish my mom and I started rowing back to the boathouse. When I got back to the boathouse, I weighed the fish with my mom. It was three pounds. That is a good weight of a lake trout to catch in the lake I fish in. My mom took a picture of me holding the fish. After that I went to go tell all my family members that I caught a fish. They thought it was really awesome that I caught a fish. We put the fish in the freezer, so it would stay fresh. Later that night my mom and I cooked the fish and we had an amazing dinner. After that I went back to my bed and went to sleep. I had a good sleep that night.

The lake I go to every summer is called Little Moose Lake. It is in the Adirondacks at a private club called, The Adirondack League Club. The Adirondacks is in upstate New York. I have been going there every summer since I was a few months old. I caught my first fish there when I was seven years old. I have been going fishing in the Adirondacks on Little Moose lake every summer since I caught my first fish there. Every summer I catch more and more fish on that lake. I have caught a few different types of trout in Little Moose lake such as rainbow trout, brook trout, and lake trout. I have also caught salmon there too, but it is rare to catch salmon in that lake.

This experience is so important to me because it was the first time I caught a fish. I caught a fish by myself on a fishing rod and my mom helped me a little bit. It was a joyful and exciting moment in my life.

The author's comments:
I wrote this essay for my English Composition class at the Portsmouth Abbey summer program

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