Flying High | Teen Ink

Flying High

May 19, 2014
By Jaclyn Beeter BRONZE, Colleyville, Texas
Jaclyn Beeter BRONZE, Colleyville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1,500 feet off the ground, there was no going back now. We were strapped into the seat with our hands clenching to the armrests. From the top of the Stratosphere, you could see for miles around. With the mountains in the distance, and the sun setting, it was an unbeatable view.

I was with my friends Kaylee and Macey, and we were going up the elevator to get to the Big Shot. It was 120 stories up, and over 1,000 feet high. We got into the elevator and the guy manning it said, “You are about to get on the tallest ride in the world which shoots you up at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. When you are coming down, you will have zero gravity; therefore, your body will not be touching the seat.” As soon as the last few words came out of his mouth, our faces dropped. “You girls alright?” he asked us. “Oh yeah, sure. “ we replied in sync. We got to the top and were watching the group before us go. I was beginning to get more and more nervous seeing how high we were, but being the daredevil I was, I had to continue.

We got strapped in and were waiting for the moment when our hearts would drop. We shot up, and in a split second, all my worries vanished. The extraordinary sight in front of me outweighed the nerves that had built up overtime. I was drowning out the sound of piercing screams just taking in the sight.

The ride was over as quick as it began. I was proud of myself for doing it, and was happy I decided to follow through. The adrenaline rush made me want to do it again, but I was also happy I had two feet on solid ground. I learned that friends can comfort you through the scariest moments when you think it can all go wrong!

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