Bad Management | Teen Ink

Bad Management

April 27, 2014
By Mr.JayCe SILVER, Antioch, Tennessee
Mr.JayCe SILVER, Antioch, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
For belligerence is not to be fooled with, it is the key to a lurid reputation.

This is the mind of a young man who is ruminating over the next steps of his life. Dreaming in the quietest place his mind takes him. He lives to work towards his ambitions but finds ample amounts of stress. He dislikes the excessive amounts but continues anyways, this contradicts his desires. He travels through life with numerous questions that have a lot of curiosity behind them. Questions on people and human interactions and he wonders why nothing is ever good enough for some folks. Why individuals are given leadership titles but are unfit to fulfill the positions. From those who are pretentious to those who are pure bred hypocrites, you’ll discover a mass amount of desperation.
When taking the leap from childhood to work force you begin to notice the desperate and the academic failures that plagues many entities. Those who struggle to get by and while they dislike the condemnation from others, they too discredit others as if it is entirely justifiable. If you ask this young man, I am sure he would say that it proves that those types of people are hypocrites. Envious of those that the educated bosses favor and grudging against any that are affiliated with the bosses favorites. It is like a game between two closely aged sisters crushing on the same boy which are completely whole with distinct personalities but will change their demeanor just to appear as ideal for the boy. These things play a role in the life of this young man.
He claims that his mind is in over-time and his body is sleeping. Moreover, it is apparent that his heart is pumping but his soul is crying. He is on the verge of entering adulthood and somewhere along the way he has made a miscalculation. Stepping into a pod of confusion and uncertainty and the only thing discomforting is that he knows what is going to happen next. In a place he cannot mentally construe. A trying experience invades this young man’s ambitions and deteriorates his motives. He is becoming lost in this paradigm we call life and slowly getting beat to his knees awaiting the next chance to stand back up but it is understood that he has fought off life for too long, a translucent thought. This young man is a champion fighting his very own trainer. Not knowing what to do to beat his trainer, he is seemingly hopeless… I am helpless boy.

The author's comments:
How I felt after leaving work, and being bickered with for too long.

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