If I could live my life over | Teen Ink

If I could live my life over

October 15, 2013
By ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could live my life over, I would spend more time with the people I didn’t have much time with on this earth, such as my grandma. Every day I wish I would have been more willing as a child to want to see her before she passed away. She was such a kind soul, and always kept to herself. I would give up anything for one last conversation with her.

Thinking back, if I could live my life over I would rethink the pointless arguments with my family members and close friends. I cant remember a single argument to this day, so they were obviously meaningless and a waste of time and stressing over. Time is precious so you have to spend it wisely, I would want to spend my time bonding with friends and family than fretting over petty fights. I would also want to take back the hateful things i’ve ever said to people who did not deserve it.

Last but not least, I would have listened to my parents advice more than I did in the past. Even though I hate to admit it, in the end my parents always seem to be right about something. It is aggravating sometimes because I try to be the adult, and make my own decisions or opinions and it sometimes ends up backfiring on me. My parents always have that instinct when somethings not right, and if I would have listened in the past it could have saved me a lot of trouble.

Overall, there is nothing specific in my life that I would like to change. The choices i’ve made in the past and the friends i’ve kept have made me who I am today. Without the things that have happened in the past, I might not have been able to be the person i’ve become now, and learned to love.

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on Oct. 18 2013 at 11:49 am
Nella.Girl97 BRONZE, Ashland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 437 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart."
