Unforgettable Words | Teen Ink

Unforgettable Words

March 17, 2013
By Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The conversation with my friend Alexa went better than I thought. I was having 'boy troubles' and finally someone understood. I can't remember what she said but it was helpful. It was relaxing. No one else understood. But they did have their reasons. One was that my one bff was the boy's sister. All of the others hated him because he was (and still is) a jerk. So I'll never forget that conversation when someone understood.

The author's comments:
The names used are fake so the people's identities remain secret. I wrote this article after I was inspired by LiXiaoFang's "It's Something Amazing" article. My article is called "Unforgettable Words" because I will never forget that conversation.

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