Share your Faith | Teen Ink

Share your Faith

October 13, 2012
By wesleypv BRONZE, Centerton, Arkansas
wesleypv BRONZE, Centerton, Arkansas
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As a share holder in this great endeavor I call for the dismissal of the President!

Many Christians are often frightened or self-conscience when it comes to sharing the Gospel with others.

“What will they think of me,” or “I don’t know what to say,” are often the thoughts that overpower our minds.

However, not only should we always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, but Christ also commands us to go out and make disciples of all nations (1 Peter 3:15;Matthew 28:19).

It is my desire that this testimony will help Christians over come the fear of sharing the Gospel with others and that they will allow Christ to use them in a powerful way, to glorify Him and bring others to the saving knowledge of the Gospel.

A good Friend of mine was in the waiting room at a hospital, the last place he wanted to be. Outside on the curve he saw a middle-age lady pacing back and forth.

I pray that my friend’s story, as follows, will encourage you to go out and share the Gospel.


Deep inside my heart I felt God telling me to go speak with this lady and share the Gospel with her, my friend recalled.

Inside that hospital waiting room I fought the battle within my heart – to give up self and fears of not knowing what to say and taking a stand for Christ; sharing the most wonderful news of all with a lost soul. Or, just sitting there.

I glanced out the window and sighed.

Three minutes later the voice of God pressing on my heart was even stronger.

“Go share the Gospel with that lady,” I heard God say.

“But I don’t know what to say,” I told God.

“Obey me; put your comfort zone out of the picture and go,” God whispered in my heart.

With that, I headed outside, thinking how weird it was for me to be doing something like this. I am not the type of person to just randomly go up to someone and start talking.

I approached the lady and asked her how she was doing.” She said that she was doing well.

I then proceeded to share the gospel with her. But she was not really listening; it was obvious that her mind was wandering elsewhere as I took note of her eyes looking everywhere but at me.

I finished sharing the Gospel with her, and when she did not seem convinced or ready to talk more, I decided to just walk away.

“Wait,” the lady called as I was walking away. “Can you come talk with my husband who is in the hospital?”

I looked at her, almost reluctantly, hoping that my heart was not showing through my eyes. I really did not like to be in hospital rooms, at all.

But I agreed to go.

It wasn’t long after stepping into the man’s room when he said something that completely surprised me.

“I have been waiting for you,” the man said.

My mind went blank. Waiting for me? This man had been waiting for me. I had never even seen him before.

“So how are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m doing pretty well, but the doctors have not given me much time to live,” the man replied with a sigh.

“Sir, if you were to die today, would you go to heaven or hell?” I asked.

“Hell, for sure; I have done some pretty bad things in my lifetime,” the man replied. “I have been praying though that if there is a God that He would send someone to tell me how to get to heaven.”

I could not believe this; God was using me. He had sent me to this exact room for a reason. I proceeded to share the Gospel with the man.

That day, both the man and His wife accepted Christ.

The next day I was at the hospital again. I decided to go up and check on the man, but when I knocked on the hospital room door there was no answer.

I peeked in and saw that the room was empty.

I decided to go ask at the front desk where he was, but the receptionist told me that they could not give out that kind of information.

As I was leaving the desk I saw the man’s wife in the hallway. I stopped her and asked what happened to her husband.

She looked at me, with a sad light in her eyes. “He passed away last night, but he passed away knowing Christ.”


Next time you feel God telling you to go share the Gospel with someone, trust and obey. Not every story will turn out this way, but remember that we are called to plants seeds to start the growing.

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