The Unknown to a Moment | Teen Ink

The Unknown to a Moment

September 6, 2012
By Angelina Gauley BRONZE, Florissant, Colorado
Angelina Gauley BRONZE, Florissant, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Stepping outside the cruise in the hot afternoon I could feel the sun beating on my dark brown hair. One glace up at the landscape took my breath away. The light tough of the wind and water helped ease the freeness of the wonderful place known as Santorini, Greece.

The very same moment forever changed my life the visual experience was like witnessing the flawless beauty of an awarding winning painting. The chance to be able to feel something so breathe taking and seemed imaginary the landscape was incredible. Cruising into the bay, the island was shaped as a moon as we float into shore. I could hear the horns of all the other cruise ships surrounding us. All the sounds were just like being at a concert and hearing people’s excitement of what they have experienced.

As we moved closer and closer into the bay, I could feel my hand cramping as my grip got tighter and tighter on the cruise ship rail feeling more and antsy to reach the shore line to step foot on the island. I saw no clouds in the sky for as far as I could see. From the distance the island looked like a giant snow covered mountain in the middle of the ocean. All the white buildings covered the top of the island. Observing waiting to reach the island, I could see very few pathways that climb up the steep incline that reaches the city on top this mountain like island in the ocean.
Moving more and more forward I could taste the little ocean drops that the huge ships threw in the air to creating more and more moisture in the surroundings. The cruise, the sunlight, the people, the white buildings, all this made up for a freeze in my life to appreciate the little characteristics. Being in Greece, such a famous place I felt like I was being photoshoped into a magazine or a film and I was the star actress. I haven’t reached shore yet, but that was beside the point. Just having the pleasure of witnessing Santorini was the true unforgettable moment. Witnessing something so out of my comfort zone, reminded me of home. The place I live in is one of a kind as well and began to compare this moment to moments I live through every day at home. I soon felt that this island will always have a deep place in my heart. Just visualizing something so out of this world was brief but life changing.
I began having a deep respect for the landscape, how incredible the earth provides. Having the chance to witness and experience something so worth wild. My mind at that moment started to wonder, with the silence that came to the cruise ship deck. I thought how lucky locals were by living in such an amazing place, but my mind then thought of reality. How people do take life situations for granted. That moment made me realize how truly special one moment can really be in a lifetime.

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