Life With Vitiligo | Teen Ink

Life With Vitiligo

May 26, 2012
By RueLove BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
RueLove BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I gonna hug you!" -Gir

Life with vitiligo can be hard at times. Worrying about the sun, putting on sunscreen every fifteen minutes, not being able to go outside much during the summer. I am sixteen years old and I have had vitiligo since I was two. Its really hard to deal with at times. In elementary school, I thought everyone was nice. But I was wrong. There was teasing, bullying, and fighting. "Casper" "Pastey" "Ugly" "Freak" "Pale" were the constant words people called me. I was once pushed into a bush, full of thorns, on my way home from school. My mom said it would stop, I believed her. And for awhile, it did. I have a rare case of vitiligo, it affects every part of me. But in other cases, its only in spots. It affects my skin, my hair, and my life. I hate wearing skirts, dresses, or shorts. I threw them all in the back of my closet once. I got sick of looking at them. I didn't have many friends back in elementary school, just three or four.
But now that I've accepted myself, I love myself. I wear skirts, I wear dresses, I wear short. I have tons of friends. Sure, I'm still bullied sometimes, but it doesn't get to me. And I love when people ask me why I'm so pale or why I can't tan, they're getting to know me. And I love myself now and I regret ever putting myself down.
I'm special. I'm beautiful. I have vitiligo.

The author's comments:
Vitiligo is a skin disease that makes you loose pigment in your skin, hair, and other things. It is not contagious and might be passed through genetics. There is no cure for vitigio, but I don't need one. I'm happy just the way I am.

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This article has 1 comment.

jazzymarieme said...
on Jun. 29 2015 at 9:04 pm
jazzymarieme, Providence, Rhode Island
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I felt the same way