What I want to say... | Teen Ink

What I want to say...

April 26, 2012
By Anonymous

To the girl that criticized me after an out...
"Shut up! I may not run fast at all, but at least I don't run with a load hitched to my rear. And the girl's on this team at least don't put up with me because they have to. And just because your sister is a big bad college pitcher doesn't mean your any good. So suck it up and don't take out your insecurities on me!"

To the girl who talked about me behind my back...
"Maybe people like me! 'Cause I sure as hell can tell you that people don't like you! You are an insane b****! You have caused more drama in one month than most people will see in a year! And anyway you may talk behind people's backs but I'll say it infront of your face."

To the basketball coach who wouldn't play me...
"Why??? I can play, but you know who can't? You! All you can do is a little bit of offense and no defense. And guess what no girl on this team can play defense. you'll play the worst person in the world before you play me. Why? Is it cause I actually had the nerve to ask you why I don't get playing time? Or is it because in try-outs I was better than your daughter? Or maybe you just don't like me? Just Shut Up and don't try to sound like you know what you are doing..."

The author's comments:
I felt like this would be a good way to let out my frustrations and say that sometimes you need to let out your frustrations...

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