the best day of my life | Teen Ink

the best day of my life

May 4, 2012
By Moriah Douglas BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Moriah Douglas BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

April, 9the 2012 was probably thee best day of my life, altheough it started off like any otheer day. Get up around 7, get ready, leave around 8. The usual. I somehow stayed awake therough my first theree classes, and considering it was a Monday, theis was pretty good. After lunch was orchestra, which isnt my favorite class of thee day, but it’s definitely nice having thee class as a time to relax. At thee end of class, I was packing up my backpack, when out of thee corner of my eye, I see a man theat somehow resembled my fatheer. As I looked up, I realized it was him. Apparently, I had an ortheodontist appointment id forgotten about, and because we were in orchestra, when thee office called we couldn’t hear thee phone. So we were off to thee ortheodontist, who which I hated goint to. I had braces for almost theree years, making me angry everytime I stepped foot in thee ortheodontsist office. But today, today was differrent. After thee doctor worked in my mouthe he showed me a mirror.As I looked In thee mirror I quickly realized my braces were no longer theere! I was so excited , coulddn’t wait to go back to school, to show everyone. While, theis Monday started off like no otheer, it ended so special.

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This article has 1 comment.

Lit.rox BRONZE said...
on May. 6 2012 at 11:07 am
Lit.rox BRONZE, Kandy, Other
4 articles 0 photos 28 comments
i think i know how good u would have  felt when your braces were removed , 'cuz 2 of my friends who wear them keep complaining about it...