The Car | Teen Ink

The Car

November 30, 2011
By black87 BRONZE, Hatboro, Pennsylvania
black87 BRONZE, Hatboro, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m speeding down a steep two way hill that looks like a mountain. I’m about to make a sharp left turn and then all of a sudden.

BOOM! My body hit a white Toyota Camry. My bike goes flying in the air. I lay on the ground for a minute then I get back up and it feels like my body has been snapped in half

I go home with both of my legs gushing out blood. When I got in the house my mom asks me what happen I say,” I ran into a parked car” and everybody started laughing including my mom.

My mom puts alcohol on my legs. After I got done my legs felt numb and broken. I can barely move my legs.

Later on that day my legs get better and I can move more but I can still feel and see where the scratches are at.

The next day when I was riding my bike down the same hill I decided not to get hurt again so I used my brakes.

This shows that I hate parked cars

The author's comments:
it tells what happen to me on that day

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