My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

November 26, 2011
By dreamarquez93 BRONZE, Long Beach, California
dreamarquez93 BRONZE, Long Beach, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every year in the United States, about 1.5 million people suffer a heart attack and about 500,000 of those same people die. My grandpa, Jesus Guzman, is one of those people who survived his first heart attack on April 1, 2006. Although he felt scared, he kept this positive attitude to let us know that he was going to be okay.

I remember how worried I was that day I found out he was in the hospital. I felt so frustrated because of the fact that I was too young and couldn’t go in to see him. My family’s support and comfort was what kept me strong throughout that week. Since that dreadful day in April, I have grown to be a more mature individual. I am closer to my family then ever before and know that we have each other for support. I have also learned that it is important to always live my life to the fullest and take advantage of any good opportunities that come my way, such as internships, or something as simple as being involved in extra curricular activities.

As Anthony J. D’Angelo says, “ Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” Whenever I hear this quote it always reminds me of my grandpa’s heart attack and what I learned from it. Like the quote says, it is always important to bring our own positive attitude no matter what the situation may be. As I get older, I know there are going to be many challenges that I am going to have to face, things like applying for jobs or just getting my life together. Facing those challenges with a positive attitude and giving whatever it may be all my effort is what is going to help me get through them. Like my grandpa, I am going to keep my head up high and assure everyone that I am okay. When one door closes, another door is sure to open.

After college, I hope to pursue my dreams in becoming a licensed clinical social worker and practice family therapy. This experience has helped me become a stronger compassionate person, which is one of the qualities that a therapist needs to have. They need to know how to separate their own lives from those of their patients, which is something I’m already learning. Throughout the days that my grandpa was in the hospital, I didn’t let any of my emotions affect my schoolwork or any of the activities that I was a part of during that time.

I have a lot of goals and expectations for myself in the future. Just like my grandpa never gave up the strength to get better, I am going to do my very best to not dwell on the negative and look at things in a positive way. Although there are probably going to be tough times throughout college and in my future, I am always willing to grow from any of these times or mistakes that I may go through or make. My grandpa has influenced me to be the best person that I can be no matter what.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this personal essay is my grandpa's heart attack. I want people to learn how you can turn a negative experience into something positive.

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This article has 1 comment.

cervantes12 said...
on Nov. 30 2011 at 10:03 pm
real inspiring