The Fall | Teen Ink

The Fall

November 11, 2011
By Tori Sanders BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Tori Sanders BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I ran into the school building at 7:58, with a cumbersome messenger bag resting on each shoulder. I aimed at the hallway door and increased my velocity, but before I could even pry it open, BANG!! I hit the ground! I sat there on the floor, stunned for a minute. My binders and paperwork surrounded me, and I could hear a few snickers on the opposite side of the door. Random tufts of red hair that once happily resided on the back of my head, and laid lazily down my back, had jumped out of place. They were now clinging to my forehead for dear life. As gravity embraced me, my right leg managed to slide under my left, and if it hadn’t been so obvious that I had just fallen, I would have portrayed the appearance of a meditating deity at peace.

Because I was in such a rush, my brain was ahead of my body and I felt as if I was a part of a shock induced astral projection. In my mind I had already jumped up, ran to my locker, and I was on my way to first hour. In reality I sat on the cold, wet floor, untwisting my luggage. After I wrestled with my limbs, and untangled my mangled legs, I lifted myself off of the clammy floor. “Whoo!” I gasped, and flipped my locks back into place. I hopped on one leg to the opposite side of the staircase, where my terrified shoe was hiding, and after slipping it onto my foot I ran to my locker, to unload by baggage.

The world whizzed by me, and my perception of it was dazed. My momentary bustling confusion relaxed me and I giggled when the bell rang. I adjusted my now crooked attire and stumbled all the way to Mr. Campbell’s Senior English class.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this story the day that I tripped and fell in the hallway.

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This article has 1 comment.

Gemini7 said...
on Nov. 16 2011 at 11:10 am
WOW! Such creative & figurative language.....really good.