One Answer | Teen Ink

One Answer

October 16, 2011
By JTpandas16 BRONZE, Burke, South Dakota
JTpandas16 BRONZE, Burke, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who gave me life? How is it that I was blessed with this family and not another? Was I given a choice in which country I was born in? Who has clothed me? Why does my provider give me everything I ask for? What pain and agony have I caused for the one who has put a roof above my head? But you love me still. Where would I be without my caregiver? Not once have you given me trouble. I wish I could return the favor. Who is it that feeds me each morning? That shows me such love each day? Do you know I love you? Do you know how thankful I am? Why do I make you so angry when I love you so much? Even then you show me the depths of your love for me. Why do I have this feeling that you would never abandon me even in the times I need you most? You never do me harm. Who can help me overcome my stress and troubles in a few short minutes? The answer to all these questions revolves around one single person. My dad.

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