My Insane World | Teen Ink

My Insane World

July 25, 2011
By Anonymous

I get this really icky feeling when someone asks me that where I live and study. And when I tell them, their reactions are like "Oh really! Strange for you aren't it?".

Let me clarify. Living in a cultural & educational capital of a state and also studying in an International school that goes back 300 years ago and then suddenly coming down to a remote area of which no person has ever heard or seen before, it is indeed awkward to explain all that.

My mum got transfered to a very remote place in India. It can be compared to as going and living in a desert kinda land, except no sand. Just intolerable humidity. You really feel like screaming on the first few months (actually for the rest of your life).

Moreover people keep asking you questions, "Oh! why did you left such a good school for that crappy one?" (and I really agree with them)

But I'm soon gonna get rid of this problem.
Hoping that soon comes soon

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