Making a Difference | Teen Ink

Making a Difference

July 4, 2011
By WarriorMVT SILVER, Danville, Indiana
WarriorMVT SILVER, Danville, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some people would consider us to be the "Facebook Generation" (or Twitter, or MySpace,or whatever your social networking device of choice is. If you do not have any of these...hitch up your wagon and go to the general store to get a book on the 21st century. I kid, I kid.) The point is that, like it or not, this is how people do a majority of communication in today's society. Why not take advantage of this? My challenge is this: Choose a time frame (whether it be once a day, every other day, once a week, etc.), and send an encouraging message to at least 5 people. It can be as simple as, "Have a nice day!". Too many people in today's society use the Internet and texting as a way to degrade and "poke fun" at people. We can make a big difference simply by taking 2 minutes a day, or even 2 minutes every week, and sending an encouraging note to someone. Let's say you, the "average person", has 100 friends on Facebook (and that number is probably low). You send 5 friends a post every week. That is 5 people who will now have better days because you took time to encourage them. Now, let's say that 10 people did this every week. That is 50 people that have been encouraged. Say you were to do this every other day, 4 days per week, that is 20 people every week. Take this number times 10 people, and we are starting to really make a difference. Will you take up the challenge and encourage people this year? You can even make a goal, maybe to send at least one message to every single one of your friends this year. For some, that may be easy. For those people who have 1,000 friends (and yes, there are those people out there), this could seem like a daunting task. Think of the difference it could make. This is something that would be rebelling against the culture and making a positive difference in people's lives. Will you make a difference?

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