If Never Had Any SIblings | Teen Ink

If Never Had Any SIblings

June 6, 2011
By sharonkim1 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
sharonkim1 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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If I a never had any siblings my evenings would be quiet. There would be a peaceful bliss around my house. I wouldn't have to hear my younger siblings fighting for the smallest things. I wouldn't have to hear constant echoes of screaming and yelling or argument about a toy. If I were an only child I would have all the attention and affection from my parents. I would not have to shout "Mom! Mom!" everytime I wanted to tell her something. If I were an only child I would not have to share the computer, television, or Xbox with three other siblings who are bound to break them. If I did not have any siblings I could have friends come over without a sibling coming into my room or be embarrassed with the mess of toys. If I were an only I child I wouldn't have to go through a car ride with fights about which radio station to listen to, "No, I want to listen to Justin Bieber." "No, turn on Lady Gaga." I wouldn't have to hear my little brother bickering and correcting a four year old.
If I did not have any siblings, my house would be empty and cold instead of happy laughter. If I were an only child I wouldn't have any one to bother when I'm bored at 3 o' clock in the morning. If I were an only child I'd be lonely at home while my parents are at work. I didn't have any siblings, who would I talk to at boring family events, maybe my third cousin in law? If I were an only child I'd actually concentrate harder on studying.

The author's comments:
I have four other siblings.

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