Favorites | Teen Ink


May 23, 2011
By Noodle123345 BRONZE, Conifer, Colorado
Noodle123345 BRONZE, Conifer, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When all else fails, lower your standards.

One day, my younger brother and I were playing a favorite online game of ours, "RuneScape". I lent him 40,000 gold with the exception he pay it back. After I accepted the trade, he told me he never planned on giving it back because I lost him 400,000 once. I knew this was fiction because he has never have that much at one time. I told my mom that he stole from me and she blew up. She told him to give me back my money, so I went back to my computer to collect it. When I waited for several minutes without receiving it, he sent me a personal message that told me our mom said I had to duel him to get my own money back. Because i had not heard her say this, I stepped back into the living room and asked my mother. She yelled at me and said some things I prefer not to repeat. I was sent to bed early, and so was he. The part that upsets me? While I was being literally shoved down the hallway to my bedroom, I was being yelled at, simply for wanting my money back. Apparently, my brother told our mom that I GAVE the money to him, which I did not. She never believes me though, and this is something I was used to, unfortunately. Once in my bedroom, I sat there and cried while my mom put my brother in bed and tucked him in nicely and with kisses and the whole package, not that I needed that. She then proceeded to get made at me for CRYING!I honestly wasn't even being that loud. She has done things like this to me constantly, and not to say she is a terrible person, but the suffering I put up with is beginning to outweigh the benefits of living with my mother. I hate to say it, but I think moving to my dad's place is an option now. I love you mom, but I am tired of being treated like second-hand garbage.

The author's comments:
My parents have been divorced since I was 3, and my mom has treated me badly ever since.

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