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May 12, 2011
By Stephanka BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Stephanka BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It seems as though within a matter of months Twitter became huge. Sure, it had its haters from the start, but Twitter has definitely gained its own following. The SICP class of 2011 has taken it upon themselves to use Twitter to express what has been on their minds the last few days.

Got my tix-so happy :)!! #lollapalooza

A common groan throughout the hallways and in the classrooms this final week of school is that there is more homework than ever. The amount of stress and work given to us just recently has been compared to that of the college admissions process.

I'm glad everyone took their synthesis paper so seriously... #religiousstudies

With the weather turning so nice, it has become even harder to focus. Not only does our school refuse to turn on the air conditioning, but waits, and waits, and waits, until every student is nearing the point of a heat stroke. Then they inact the “relaxed dress code”.

can everyone please just wear shorts tomorrow? #thefinalcountdown

Certainly there are mixed opinions about leaving high school. For the most part, we will miss the place we’ve called home for the last four years. The lunch ladies, the professionally manicured gardens, and our amazing teachers, are all things that we will miss. However, the JUGs, the dresscode, the lanyards, the workload, and the impossibly slow internet connection?

Honestly, Im going to miss Ignatius very much.... #loljk

That brings us to today. We thought it would never come. But it did. Most of all, I feel bad for those Freshman.

four years later, and we have one day left. Wowww#classof2011

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