Summer Rains | Teen Ink

Summer Rains

February 27, 2011
By abbyg SILVER, Bel Air, Maryland
abbyg SILVER, Bel Air, Maryland
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You are the smell before rain, you are the blood in my veins."

I miss the feeling of the warm rain falling down and hitting my bare skin. I miss hiding under the office building trying not to get wet. I miss watching the lightning. I miss sitting on the bench with you, not talking, not moving, just us breathing and watching the sky and the rain. I miss the steam that rose off of the streets and sidewalks that swirled around us as we walked anywhere our feet could take us. I miss coming home with my hair up in a messy bun. I miss pulling it down and shaking out the curly, wet disaster and smelling the summer rain and being completely content with that. I miss laughing about things we probably can’t remember, and I miss crying too. I miss crying alone and then having the feeling of someone caring enough to come after you. I miss sitting on the stairs of the office building and talking. I miss painting your nails and everyone making fun of me because of how terrible it looked. I miss our long hugs during those times you ran off without telling anyone where you were going. I miss being at your house almost every night. I miss sitting around the campfire and making everyone laugh, even when they didn’t want to. I miss the night we chased after you, all the way to Shamrock Park and standing with you in the rain. I miss us all being able to be one, big, happy family. I miss that brief moment where we all were friends. I miss when we weren’t fighting and we didn’t hate each other and we all talked on a semi-regular basis. I miss feeling like I had a group of friends that would last me a good portion of my life, if not forever. Most of all, I miss Joey still being here with all of us.
I miss our summer, even all of the horrible things that came with it. I miss all of the time we spent together. Shamrock was our second home. The town of Bel Air was like our kingdom every Wednesday night from 7:30 - 10:00. A few hours a week with each other brought us so close, but at the same time, tore us apart.

Everything is gone. Everything is fading away. I feel like we’re never going to get it back. I feel like I’m never going to feel the way I did that summer. Maybe it’s cliché, but I felt carefree. Like nothing could ever touch us.

I was wrong, though. Now, all of our memories are dried up with those gorgeous summer rains.

Of course, those will come back next summer, but we won’t.

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