There is No Such Thing as a Prince Charming | Teen Ink

There is No Such Thing as a Prince Charming

February 8, 2011
By Colliegirl BRONZE, West Berlin, New Jersey
Colliegirl BRONZE, West Berlin, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I fell hard for this one kid, thinking he was my Prince Charming, but boy was I wrong. He seemed nice, like he was when we were in grade school, but not anymore. He never talked to me this whole year except for a hi every now and then. He is so mean to me. I asked him to our school’s semi-formal and he said that he would never go with me even if he was being paid to. Ugh. Then there was that one-day that our friendship really took a turn for the worst. We had a huge verbal fight. I had said that I wanted to quit student government because I thought that he really didn’t want me there. He said that he didn’t want me to leave and to stop putting words in his mouth. Uh I wasn’t. So he got upset and I got upset and we had a meeting with the teacher in charge of Student Government to get us to be friends again. We had the meeting because he didn’t want me to be mad at him and that he told her about the fight. So we had the meeting, and it seemed to work for a week maybe, but things got bad again. We haven’t spoken to each other since the fight. One thing that you as the reader should know is that Prince Charming is only in fairy tales and not a real life person.

The author's comments:
This is a continuation to my first piece " My Secret Prince Cahrming" The he is Nick from my first piece and this is 100% true

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