Early Childhood Memories | Teen Ink

Early Childhood Memories

January 31, 2011
By athlete74 BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
athlete74 BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do Work Son!!!

Before I moved to the meridian district I use to live in Decatur. Are house was just a nice 2 story house with a fence around it and some trees. Well the only bad thing about it was at the bottom of a hill. But I loved that house because it was roomy and I could play in it all day long.

It was in the middle of the summer and my mom decided to go on vacation. She was going to Florida for a week with my grandma. Well when she left she also left my dad in charge of me and my sister. I would say my dad did a good job another then he couldn’t change my sister’s diapers very well. But it was all right it was only for a week that we didn’t have our mom.

Well after the week was over we were really excited for our mom to come home. I was out riding my bike and my sister was playing in the yard while my dad was watching her. Then all the sudden my mom pulls up to the house. Well I got really excited and without thinking I go flying down the hill. Well the hill was very steep and I was going pretty fast. But I didn’t care I just wanted to see my mom. I was getting close to the bottom of the hill and I went to turn into the driveway. I hit some loose gravel and my bike went flying from underneath of me.

Then I woke up in the hospital and was super confused. I didn’t know where I was or what happened or anything. My whole family was standing around me including my mom. I was happy to see my mom but I was strapped down to the bed and I couldn’t move so I was like freaking out. Then the doctor came in with a needle and his assistant and I didn’t know what was going on. I looked down and my chin was bleeding real bad and there was this nasty orange stuff hanging out. Then the doctor said I have to get 8 stitches and this metal thing so my jaw wouldn’t move. I had to have the stitches and that metal plate in for 2 months then I finally got it out.

The author's comments:
over all great essay

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